now, when people abuse the system, you get frauds like Dr. Laura, who just won another yacht race after being benched for cheating in her other races. Dr. Laura and the News-Press provide a constant source of entertainment for's like watching goldfish in a bowl..they swim around in circles feeling sorry for themselves, trying to get some company for their misery...that's why they formed the Tea Parties!!
Travis is milking his spot on Wendy "Chainsaw" McCaw's gravy train..Travis, she is the only reason you got a job in Santa Barbara..and you know it. But let's all feel sorry for poor Travis, as Sunday's opinion piece begs: please elect people who like the News-Press because poor little Travis had a rough spot in his life...Then he goes on to praise the "hundreds of non-profits" in town..they don't pay taxes and many under investigation by community members for malfeasance!! and gangs! who is trying to exploit the few gang incidents in SB for political purposes more than the News-Press.. it's as though they want more violence so they can blame the city council! but when will the News-Press do some stories on Chumash casino crime/gangs?? or the culture of ignorance that allows gangs to exist...
How many times has he mentioned on the News-Press pages his drunk driving incident which landed him in jail? That is his claim to fame!! and all the wonderful support he received from the community..they took him to lunch, offered to drive him places...I thought Wendy was a drama queen...but Travis takes the crown! Travis still thinks folks were "fuming because of the provocative editorials" he wrote..dumbass, they were fuming due to all the lies, exaggerations and gossip disguised as editorial opinions..if editors can be incompetent, then you is it...thank god you don't have any real job responsibilities...
News-Press radio AM1290..a low ratings station.... Travis and Mike stay right on script: blame government for all your problems...
more political incest from News-Press pet political candidates..Mike says now that his kids are grown up, he "has his life back" and wants to run for assembly because "this is the last chance for California to get it right" and he has the "compassion" to run for Assembly but didn't have the "compassion" to go for the recent county Board of Supervisor seat..of course he meant "passion"...must've flunked English class! He invokes his friend John McCain's name by claiming to be the straight talk express of Santa Barbara..well, Mike, the Straight Talk Express got derailed by Sarah Palin's Nut Talk Express..just keep talkin'!!
He says all the things he put in place during his time on the Board of Supervisors in the 1980s have made Santa Barbara County gov't better..ahh, Mike, you should read the News-Press editorials that take issue with that! He claims he made more money in the private sector and reluctantly wants to get back into public service because "California needs me". You made more money as Greka Oil spokesman than being on the BOS? and of course, Travis didn't mention Greka once...but they did make a pitch for nonprofits citing the recession as a reason nonprofits are losing money..but when cities lose money it's always the officials fault!
Lastly, Stoker said he wants to run a clean campaign and won't go sleazy on us..then why is he talking to the sleaziest organization in Santa Barbara: the News-Press??
where are the Teddy Roosevelt Republicans??
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