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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rescue Me...

exclusive pic of ART's new rescue vehicle: Noah's Ark!

#69 had a letter in the News-Press: "Animal Rescue Team is developing a specialized vehicle capable of entering a disaster area and rescuing both large and small animals, and wildlife at a moments notice..This project is to ensure displaced, injured and orphaned wildlife are safely rescued and provided immediate medical attention"....then she goes on to fish for donations!
WTF??? a non-profit to help non-profits??
Welcome and thank you for visiting We are a 501 C-3 Non-Profit animal welfare orgazation dedicated to finding a safe harbor for animals using advanced technology...seenoahsark
This is all very troubling for a few reasons:
first, I've said it before.. it is best to let nature deal with injured animal provides a meal for a healthy one..until Julia comes along like Betsy Ross and snatches the meal away! She doesn't understand that her "rescues" actually doom the animals she claims to care about!!
Then, she uses the phrase "orphaned wildlife" where she attributes human characteristics to animals...animals are not orphaned, children are..this leads to false conclusions when studying animal behavior. animals
Last night, I poured over volumes of behaviorial psychology books until I started crying thinking I was crazy..then I thought about Julia and felt better knowing there's always someone crazier than me! I still felt fear, however, for the animals. I mean, it's like Julia is stalking them! or maybe she is substituting animals for the kids she doesn't have..a compensation type deal...where'd all these psycho women come from anyway? Every time I turn around now it seems some woman is foaming at the mouth about something or other! I gotta find out why.....
I've been kissed by a rose....

JOHANNESBURG — Namibia's annual commercial seal hunt will go on despite objections by animal welfare groups, a government official said Monday.
Frans Tsheehama of the Namibian fisheries and marine resources ministry said that the season started on July 1 and will run until Nov. 15.
Hunters are expected to club over 90,000 seals, including 85,000 pups.
Now, there's been a lot of hoopla about the seal clubbing in various countries...poor little things! They look so innocent and cute..and scared! I went over to the Carpinteria Seal Rookery to see if I could find out what's going on..I walked down off the Bluffs, left my clubs on the beach, and met a seal named "Seal" the singer..he was a cool seal, a little overweight, but had a good heart.. a beautiful blonde woman named Heidi was stroking his flipper!
I asked him would he rather be clubbed to death by a human on a hunting spree or ripped to shreds by a shark? He said when his time comes, he hopes it is in his sleep of natural causes..right here at the rookery, surrounded by his family...
and when I die, and when I'm gone, there'll be one seal born, in a world, to carry on...carry on

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