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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Does Sarah Palin Hasve Bigger Plans?

The Step & Fetch It Media is all tied up in knots over trying to characterize Sarah Palin’s leaving the governorship of Alaska. It’s so oblivious that they are scared to death that Palin is setting her sights on a White House in 2012.

“She’s a quitter!”

That’s the organized line of attack the SFIM is broadcasting through out all their outlets hopelessly trying to paint a miserable picture that Palin is making a grievous mistake for her presidential aspirations.

They conveniently ignore that the Messiah Barack Obama began running for president immediately after the voters of Illinois elected him to serve as senator for six years.

Double standard anyone?

The Last Tradition fully endorses Sarah Palin’s decision to leave one office and possibly run for a greator one, just like our president who still does not have as much executive experience as the soon to be former Alaskan governor.

Barack Hussain Obama’s poll numbers are dropping faster than Lindsay Lohan's panties as more and more Americans realize that they have made a terrible mistake putting him in office.

What have they gotten for their vote?

Unemployment is nearing 10%

Barack Obama has embraced Leftist dictator Hugo Chavez and treats our closest allies, Great Britain and Germany with disdain.

Barack Obama does nothing to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons and idly sits by while hundreds of freedom-seeking Iranians are massacred by their despotic government.

Muslims are persecuting Christians in Pakistan and our president remains silent.

2 American journalists held hostage by North Korea and President Obama does nothing and demonstrates his weakness to the world.

North Korea continues to fire missiles toward Japan and continues their nuclear program.

Barack Obama has fired a number of Inspectors General that are sworn to put a watchful eye on government spending of taxpayers money. One of the I.G.s fired was investigating a big time contributor to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

Culture of Corruption anyone?

Barack Obama has nationalized General Motors and Chrysler. For you folks that do not know what nationalize means, the federal government is running 2 car companies.

Barack Obama has hired at last count, 25 Czars that are not subject to Congressional approval and is a circumvention of the U.S. Constitution.

Barack Obama wants to destroy the best health care system in the world by converting it into a system where government bureaucrats, not doctors, decide what medical services are necessary. This would be a disaster where medical care is rationed, having to wait weeks to see a doctors, or months or even years to have surgery.

This is only a partial list of the damage Obama is doing to this country.

And Sarah Palin makes her move.

Go Sarah!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 7/4/09

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