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Thursday, July 9, 2009


non profit non native spotlight..

there's a show on gov't channel 20 called non-profit spotlight...and I think I hit the jackpot..all these groups highlighted in one hour and hosted by the cutest little Brazilian or Mexican chick with a thick seductive accent..yowsa!
She was gabbing away with some nonprofit people when all of a sudden she's talking to some dude with long gray hair and a baseball cap..he founded Growing Solutions, a seed facility non profit...
and guess what..he's the guy who is ripping out non native plants and getting everyone from gov't to private sector to plant natives! The City of SB buys plants from this guy!
He's got a little seed farm and this is where it all begins..this is the motherfucker who is destroying all the fennel! I'm being invaded by a bunch of native only hippies! FUCKING HIPPIES!! These are the ones who are working on the bloody Santa Cruz Island restoration, the Summerland Greenwell Preserve..where, by the way, the non-natives are doing very nicely in spite of the hippie attempts to "go native"..

The Channel Islands Parks Service has a nice little magazine called Island Views, published with my tax dollars, so that makes me part owner. As part owner of this little newspaper, I guess that makes me part publisher and part as of right now, I'm gonna pull a Wendy and start shaking my tits at the writing staff ..they can go jump in a lake...especially irksome is the page where big daddy Superintendent Russel Galipeau trashes non-natives like Star Thistle, fennel, cocklebur and black rats..and the other stories are all about glorification of the restoration mention of the failed restoration efforts like the return of some golden eagles..GO EAGLES!!
well, from now more biased reporting, I want the truth!! Everywhere you go, spread some fennel like mother nature does, and ignore what Russ tell you and all will be well..
oh and senator, just one more thing: non-profits and churches should be taxed like the rest of more tax-exempt status from these freeloaders!

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