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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mr. Potato Head...

Foodies..ya gotta love 'em..they get upset if there's sand in the sand dabs; a hot dog makes them lose control!

well,there's a little fight brewing over at Nippers..Christine called Nipper on his error prone $200,000 a year stooge gay/ Indian/ex-con editor who printed a story on the front page about the new Whole Foods store in SB ... The News-Press headline called it World Foods! Nipper calls it a typo!! and BTW, I'm not a homophobe! I used to cook at Sambos where the Spearmint Rhino is today..back then, the Pub, a gay bar was next door..the guys would come in after hours and I'd fix breakfast for them..sometimes after work, I'd have a beer in the Pub under the full protection of a few waitresses..waitresses were like angels! anyway, back to Mr. Pototo Head: Nipper, back from another cruise with Wendy, got defensive and bitch-slapped Christine ..Christine got pissed and bodyslammed him! Better watch out Christine, you'll get banned from Nippers! HEY NIPPERITES here's an can comment about the News-Press right here...uncensored, just don't threaten to kill anyone...uncensored, you can say all the seven dirty words, uncensored, no bullshit allowed! You can email me a copy and I'll use it as a feature story/post or you can just comment..let 'er rip!! or not

and the News-Press just raised subscription rates by 25%! with no explanation!!
Nipper, your pals are getting hip to your sleazeball ways!!
says Christine:
I am so excited to see WORLD
FOOD on the cover of the Newspress- can hardly wait for the store to open!!
How on earth does a paper let that slip by? Or is someone in the edit/printing dept letting out the big secret that no one is home?
I gave up my subscription when they showed the Buellton farmer "bundling hay"- my husband was being sweet this am by picking our family up a copy. Got a good hearty laugh...and then got sad that my paper has gone down the road of no return.... Christine

says Nipper/ Administrator 502 Posts Posted - 07/27/2009 : 11:10:45 AM
No one likes typos but they do happen. While newspapers are closing their doors across the country we are lucky to still have one here in Santa Barbara. It is thanks to the paper's loyal subscribers and advertisers that we do.
In any case, this part of the web site is for
restaurant discussions not debating off-topic subjects. For that please post on "Chat Central".

says Christine:
With all due respect Nipper- it was more than a typo- it was a glaring error. If the editor had just bothered to read the first line in the first paragraph- he/she might have caught it- as it said WHOLE FOODS in the very first line.
You should be thanking your loyal readers with better service than this- I am not sure if barely putting out a paper is better than shutting the doors. Just my opinion of course.
You are correct they should be posted elsewhere- next time I catch one I'll be sure to post it in most lengthy thread ever written on this site...the CHAT SECTION. If I can find it..
save the chuldren!

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