Geerge Soros
As Richard Nixon used to say, “Let me make myself perfectly clear!” Although I vehemently disagree with President Barack Obama’s policies, I just as adamantly want him to serve the rest of his term in office whether it be through 2012 or 2016 in safety without any harm coming to him.
I’m an American who is proud that we always have a peaceful transfer of power as a result of what happens at the ballot box and not with bullets.
But, in the wake of the White House Party Crashers incident, and how ridiculous or embarrassing it may be for the administration, I have to say something crazy and devious because I put nothing past desperate Liberals wanting to pass the Liberal laundry list of policies that is representative of the Obama administration.
After John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Barry Goldwater instinctively knew that he had no shot of winning the presidency because he felt the country would rally around Lyndon Johnson to fulfill the agenda of a young charismatic president in John F. Kennedy.
Johnson won by a landslide and he went on to fulfill what Kennedy started.
Today, we have another young charismatic president in Barack Obama with sinking approval ratings.
My fear is that the movers and shakers that lurk in the shadows of the Democrat Party like billionare George Soros and others will arrange to have Obama taken out and sacrificed for the greater cause of ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, Card Check ect…
Of course laying the blame on Right Wing survivalists, tea baggers, birthers, or returning war vets will be part of the charade to hide the actual culprits.
Sounds crazy?
Yes, it does. But, I feel I have to put this crazy notion out there because Liberals are known for their deceit and they would stop at nothing to achieve their aims.
Some may feel that desperate times call for desperate measures.
Keep our president safe!
From The Last Tradition