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Monday, July 26, 2010


whether you live in Palm Springs or Santa Barbara..a drunk is a drunk...
one of my goals here at is to track down the enemies of American workers and boil them in oil..and we workers have many enemies from the rich, drunk and powerful to the rich, drunk and ignorant, people who don't know a work ethic from a divorce settlement...I'm talking about the real workers, the ones who go to work each day, commute, raise families, pay taxes, do essential jobs and maybe I cut some slack for non-essential jobs like selling Tupperware, at least you're trying. Now the real workers are pitted against the drunken wealthy entitlement class, the Ivy Leaguers, the folks who were given privileged lives to keep themselves and their cronies drunk and in power. In the past 20 years or so, the American Worker has been gaining power. The concept is simple: band together to improve working conditions to benefit the safety and health and wages of employees. This was NOT a common practice until both public and gov't sectors started cutting corners and forgetting about the folks who allow them to do business....then unions came to be..workers have the right to organize..simple and powerful and very scary for the irresponsible corporations and profit-mongers.
Gone are the days in the private sector where profit sharing was offered to the employees, a great incentive to give a part of your life to a company. Nowadays, many private businesses are run by people who don't understand what it takes to be successful. They don't have a work ethic so the business fails and they blame the gov't, taxes, this and that and the cat....instead of themselves. Two local private business are examples of good and bad business practices. Sambo's Restaurant had a good run, a great management training program, profit sharing and cool people working there..and people really earned their money...the management/owners had a work ethic and they helped people be successful...comfort food for the masses is still a strong concept even though Sambo's time has passed....and I think the racist connection about "little Black Sambo" was bogus...
contrast Sambo's with the News-Press, a real bogus business whose owner is not out there in the field getting her hands dirty, she hires other to do that for her while she sails on her yacht!
now, imagine my surprise when I read Sunday's Guestatorial by Lanny Ebenstein, adjunct Professor at the Cato Instiutute. The Cato Institute is as rightwing anti-worker as they get, but I confess I didn't know what an adjunct professor was, so I looked up the word adjunct :a person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity. A nonessential attribute of a thing... ok, that makes sense, Lanny is nonessential like I've been saying all along. But when he goes and steals my ideas and presents them in an editorial a few days after I bring up some drug issues he might be associated with, well, something is, I've been lecturing for years about the evils of alcohol and the need to tax the vices...sin taxes are good, I say! and now, the former president of the Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association, a nonprofit that thinks all taxation is a sin, thinks paying gov't employees is a crime and whose executive director was busted for drunk driving and crashing, is now advocating higher taxes for tobacco and alcohol!!
Lanny says America needs to cut back on the drugs and booze, teach it in schools this how a Libertarian talks??
At the same time, he works for a paper that pushes alcohol, is anti-teacher unions, and endorsed a big tobacco candidate, Tony Strickland, who refuses to raise taxes on cigarettes and cigars... and Nipper is a Tequila loving bon vivant!!
this does not make a lick of sense to me, or does it.....maybe life is just a like a burrito sometimes...
maybe Wendy has grown or evolved to the point where she would allow an editorial counter to her ideas... counter to the freedom-without-responsibility creed that she espouses... is it possible? I think the facts are clear, I am starting to influence the editorials at the News-Press, therefore, as of right now, I am the adjunct editorial director at the News-Press...and that's a de facto!

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