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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shirley Sherrod Needs to Kiss Andrew Breitbart’s Feet

It’s so funny how The Left is breaking their collective necks going all kissy face on Shirley Sherrod after temporarily throwing her under the bus.

They’re very busy making her out to be a civil rights icon with a compelling history. But, let me remind the Left she had the same history BEFORE she got fired for allegedly making racially insensitive remarks at a NAACP event.

Did it matter then?

The Left is doing exactly what they cited Andrew Breitbart of doing, presenting Ms. Sherrod out-of-context to cover their own sins.

According to the Left, the Sherrod affair started with Andrew Breitbart showing a snippet of a video and you pretty much know the rest of the story.

But, they conveniently leave out the reason why Breitbart presented the video in the first place. It was in direct response to the NAACP passing a resolution calling the Tea Party Movement a bunch of racists.

It was a case of tit for tat, and the Left shot themselves in the foot, and have been trying to make it up to Shirley Sherrod ever since by repackaging her as Civil Rights Stalwart.

It’s a clever deception meant to rehabilitate the Left, the NAACP, and Ms Sherrod while simultaneously demonizing only Andrew Bretbart.

So now Shirley Sherrod becomes the Left’s version of Joe the Plumber.

Message to Ms Sherrod:


You’re in very good position right now because you got the Left by the balls. If you’re smart you can play this into something very lucrative for yourself in either the Left or the Right world.

Think about it, Shirley!

But, remember this.


When it hit the fan, the NAACP, the organization which prides itself on advancing African Americans stomped on you like a cocker roach because you became an expendable asset.

And if you say or do something stupid that paints them in a bad light, sista, they’ll take out that pointy shoe and do it again.

You are not Joe Biden!

You’re only a pawn!

Play it smart!

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