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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shirley Sherrod Says She was Pushed Out by Obama White House and "Fox News and Tea Parties Scaring Obama Administration"

The rumble is on between Progressives and Conservatives over who are the true racists.

Shirley Sherrod has been exposed as being just as much as racist as Sen Robert Byrd. Only Liberals are in a tizzy because they feel it’s their job to point out racism.

Let’s get ready to rumble!

Left Coast Rebel

There's almost too much to chase in the news cycle today but just moments ago I caught some more information on the Shirley Sherrod controversy on Fox's "America Live" with Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly was speaking to Fox reporter James Rosen about the Shirley Sherrod video that went viral yesterday.Shirley Sherrod is claiming that the viral video was taken out of context and that she is a victim of a sort-of right wing conspiracy.

She's claiming she felt 'harassed' by the Deputy Undersecretary of Agriculture that allegedly called Shirley Sherrod three times yesterday demanding that she resign.

She says that her superior claimed that she should resign because, "she was going to be on Glenn Beck tonight." Shirley Sherrod is also claiming that the White House was behind the call for her prompt firing and that the NAACP and White House are 'throwing her under the bus.'
Full story

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