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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Arrogant Democrat Rep Charlie Rangel Doesn’t Like when a Reporter (Luke Russert) Acts like a Real Journalist

The below video is a perfect illustration of the relationship between the mainstream media and the Democrat Party

Luke Russert, son of famed host of Meet the Press, Tim Russert, actually had the audacity to ask Charlie Rangel some pertinent questions related to Rangel’s recent multiple ethics violations charges.

Look at hiw Rangel treats Jason Mattera who also asks relavent questions Rangel never gets form the suck up media.

Rangel is not used to being treated by the press this way and questions Russet’s professionalism and accuses him of acting disrespectfully.

That’s because the expected mode of behavior for the press is to advocate, to cheerlead, and parrot whatever the Democrat Party wants them to say.

There is no free press anymore.

It’s willingly enslaved by Liberalism.

They have gladly become public relations associates for the Democrat Party masquerading as the press.

Here’s an example of press hooker, Ed Schultz, who has his own show on MSNBC.

Act like a dictator…

Let’s act like Hugo Chavez…

Let’s get our Adolph Hitler on…

Let’s do the Joseph Stalin boogie and step on the Constitution, take away people’s right of free speech, do away with due process, throw people in jail because they dare have a mind of their own and disagree with the government, and if all that doesn’t work, just kill’em all.

Since there’s no such thing as being a little pregnant, acting a little like a dictator is just the first step to totalitarianism. Left untreated, the cancer will only spread and get worse because absolute power, which Schultz clearly was selling to the public, corrupts absolutely!

This is who the media really is, Left Wing ideologues like President Obama, Charlie Rangel, and Ed Schultz.

Luke Russert must’ve missed the meme.

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