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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Myth of Sean Bell

Sean Bell got shot trying to protect a frail old woman from being mugged on the subway.

Wait a minute, that’s not what happened.

Okay, how about this?

Sean Bell got gunned down trying to save a blind little boy from being kidnapped by a notorious and vile pedophile.

No wait, that didn’t happen either.

How about this?

Sean Bell got slain for trying to protect a stranger from being set on fire by a disreputable street gang.

By now you probably already know that neither of these things actually happened. However, each one of those scenarios would have been well deserving of receiving the high honor of having a street renamed in your memory for performing an unselfish and heroic act to safeguard his fellow man.

There is no greater love than giving one’s life for someone else, right?

Nevertheless, the New York City Council voted on a resolution to have a small stretch of a Queens street renamed after Sean Bell for attempting to run over New York City cops with his car while driving drunk.

Of course, the picture the Left paints of Sean Bell is quite different. To them, he was an innocent Black man that was tragically assassinated in a hail of 50 bullets by racist NYPD police in the early morning hours of his wedding day. That’s all the Left needed to perpetuate another fraud in their long line of frauds upon the public and imbued a common street thug into an angel of light.

The fact that Bell was twice arrested for dealing crack cocaine and weapons possession was society’s fault, not his.

That fact that Sean Bell’s companions were quite familiar with the criminal justice system along with Bell himself was truly an inconvenient truth.

The bitter reality was that Sean Bell was a thug that was hanging with his fellow thug friends at a seedy strip joint getting sloshed on Hennessey and enjoying lap dances galore before he took the plunge into matrimony that was only hours away from fruition.

But, we dare not say that young Bell acted stupidly for trying to use his motor vehicle as a deadly weapon, and got clipped for his trouble by public servants in the performance of their duties.

Is the Black community so bereft of legitimate heroes that White Liberal politicians think that Sean Bell is the best they can offer?
Or is this yet another cynical bone being thrown to Black folks by theses same Lib pols to fool the public come re-election time and hide the broken promises they’ve made year after year?

Sean Bell died a thug’s death!

Let’s make him a hero and name a street after him. And don’t forget to give me your vote, because you know I really care.

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