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Saturday, July 24, 2010

what's the story morning glory...

poll: should the Independent change its name to the FluffyWuffy?? vote now!!

I don't know WTF is going on at the Independent, but without Randy Campbell there, it has turned into a News-Press society page clone of hysterical muppies ranting and raving about nonsense (like I do!!)'s disgusting! Silly stories about weddings, bunny festivals and cupcakes, a million ads, even Nick Welsh seems to have lost some fire...what's going on here?? Let's see, we got part owner Marianne Partridge as Editor in Chief. Partridge filed a lawsuit Feb. 11, 2010 against Campbell alleging breach of contract after Campbell allegedly attempted to sell his share of the paper...and since then, the Independent has sucked!! then we got Nick Welsh as Chief Editor...somehow different than Editor in Chief... he must be burning the candle at both ends trying to please Marianne because the mag has lost a ship at sea without a sail, like a dog without a bone, like a ping without a's very sad to watch a once great mag lose its what would help? How about if Randy Campbell came back (although he is still listed as Publisher) or if the thing got sold to someone who would move it forward, somewhere beyond cupcakes and lollipops! Something must be done and somebody should do something somehow.....
now, the lastest thing that flipped my wig was an article by one Lisa Acho Remorenko.....she cries about the poor little pets that are allegedy killed by coyotes. She starts out the column with a coyote bites child scare tactic..."Last week in a New York City suburb, a three-year-old girl was playing in her backyard when a coyote from the woods nearby jumped on top of her, biting her neck and torso".....there was no evidence it was a coyote!! just rumor..... and she goes on: Renee Merrill, from Thousand Oaks, California is on a mission to warn pet owners about coyote attacks after her Pomeranian was killed last year....a mission to warn pet owners?? Just Walk Away Renee and bone up on the food chain, your pet was part of it!!!
and listen Lisa Lisa sad Lisa Lisa, just because Renee lost her designer dog is no excuse to spread your ignorance about coyotes....instead, you should spread some real fear and be concerned with a bigger threat..domestic dogs!!
Dog attacks are a major public health concern worldwide. In the United States, dogs bite more than 4 million people each year, occasionally resulting in fatalities. In an issue of Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, Ricky Langley from the Division of Public Health in Raleigh, North Carolina published an article entitled, "Human Fatalities Resulting From Dog Attacks in the United States, 1979-2005."
The statistics are instructive. In the years studied, there was an average of 19 deaths each year from dog attacks. Not surprisingly, males and children less than 10 years of age had the highest rate of death from dog attacks, with Alaska reporting the highest death rate.
if you buy a home in rural areas or in the hills without understanding that you are sharing the space with wild animals, then you have no business living there..get out while you can or a big green coyote might eat you, too!

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