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Thursday, July 22, 2010


hi, welcome to the new site Asshat where I expose the asses to the masses!
all this anti-gov't blather by the News-Press and associates is treasonous!! Hey, I heard a rumor that Lanny Ebenstein, frequent News-Press editorial writer, anti-gov't faux libertarian zealot, and former president of the Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association, is being sued in Humboldt for allowing pot growing enterprises in his rentals up there!! true or false?? I dunno but if he hangs around Wendy and Co, he is automatically a most nefarious character! I'll keep looking... maybe I can just google "dopehead" and get the scoop..whoa, found some other stuff on Lanny..stay tuned...
now, war is a horrible thing..especially when the USA causes it..we invaded Iraq and some parents are perplexed why their sons and daughters died there..the answer is because we invaded Iraq. Just as if some country invaded the USA, dropping bombs and killing our children, we would seek to kill them..well, that's what we did to Iraq, under Bush's leadership...we killed their they will seek to kill the foreign that's the way life works...
now, we have a front page story by the News-Press chickenhawks about a guy who wants TO PASS LEGISLATION to make states promote his flag to honor the his son, who was killed in Iraq by a sniper...
He's got rightwing airhead Bo Derek and FOXNOISE flunkie Dennis Miller supporting his efforts and..well, all this is just another monument to the George Bush era (error)..obviously. This guy is using his son's death to push rightwing propaganda...obviously... it's really pathetic as we already have a flag, Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes, to honor the people who fight for America's freedom....we don't need to be forced to to fly a substitute flag...for any weepy reason..we reap what we sow. Most of the wars that are caused by the Christian rightwing fanatics are ideological wars ie, we'll bomb you if you don't do as we say!!!
FOX NOISE spreads this manure all the time in a very entertaining long as some Americans are entertained you can feed them shit all day long and they wouldn't know it...
Now, if you really want to honor the fallen, pass legislation that doesn't allow us to invade sovereign countries!! We Americans have to rethink our foreign policy that fucks with poor nations, is hypocritical, is racist, is stupid and is we need to mind our own business and elect leaders who understand we can't stand alone in a world of nations or keep picking on weaker nations...
it's a very cosmopolitan idea...

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