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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

whistling down the wire...

and other incomprehensible things...
I just had a frightening thought: Dr. Laura may be trying to send me messages through her blog, first I annoy her then she wants me to want her!! Sorry Dr. Laura, I'm flattered but I think you know where my heart is....
I've tried but I can't figure out the two guest editorial writers the News-Press uses since Traveypoo departed...both guys Terry Tyler and Lanny Ebensfrankenstein are failed city council candidates, and yet they spend their time trying to tell the successful candidates what to this do that..blah blah blah...this guys are know the type when they get nervous they whistle, like a booger caught in your nose whistles when you breath through it..that's what Lanny and Terry remind me of..a couple of boogers...Tyler is an ugly booger and Lanny is a silly booger!! and I know just by looking at him that Tyler spends his time at home not exercising, but eating, if this post disgusts you, don't blame me, blame the boogers at the News-Press!
what else? oh, there was a letter to the phantom editor at the News-Press from a gal named Anne French who went the French Festival, harasssed an old lady, and wrote in to the paper to complain about the elderly woman! Apparently, Anne disapproved of the old lady's trash habits..instead of putting some papers in a recycle bin, the old bitch put them in the trash can and this set Ms. French off...she complained about the old lady's wasteful ways, told her to put her trash in the proper bin, told her about carbon footprints..well, you get the idea..she harassed the poor woman for putting trash in the trash bin! Now, had I seen this, I would have grabbed Anne by her nipples and told her to stop abusing the elderly, because annoying as they are, we need to look out for them, not abuse them, not lecture them..they have earned that at them don't fuck with them...see, Annie, that's all you did that day at the French Festival, you fucked with an old person..VERY UNCOOL!!
and finally KEYT had a story on city officials and their salaries. After the City of Bell fiasco, Colleen and some other chick sat in front of a computer trying to search for pay schedules for all city employees from Ventura to SLO. CJ Ward, after doing his usual impression of a piece of cardboard, told Colleen, "good job, after all it's your tax money"... well, why don't you and Princess take a tour of the sewage plant or ride along with a cop gang bust and see how the city workers earn their know, report instead of sitting pretty in front of a camera...what's with the media in this town???

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