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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Coleccion Transformers Movie 2007 de la mano de Over Prime

Hola a todos nuevamente. Hoy quiero mostarlos con la coleccion de un amigo personal del blog, Over Prime, quien ha decidido compartir con todos nosotros su coleccion de Transformers de la pelicula del 2007. Lamentablemente y digo asi porque nuestro amigo no ha podido completar su coleccion como el quisiera, ya que le faltan las figuras de Ratchet y Thundercracker.

Esta es una hermosa coleccion para los amantes de la nueva generacion de Transformers que nos ha traido Hasbro.
 Nuestro amigo Over Prime nos prometio que muy pronto compartira con todos nosotros el resto de su colecion y tambien quiere dejartes a todos nuestros lectores su direccion de msn para que aquellos que tengan las figuras que el necesita para poder completar su coleccion y hacer algun negocio. Su msn es .

Espero que les haya gustado el post del dia de hoy y ya saben, cualquier cosa que quieran ver en este blog solo tienen que comentar y con gusto hare todo lo posible para hacer de este uno de sus lugares de entretenimiento e informacion acerca de los Transformers.

ATTENTTION: For All Liberals Who Think Bastardizing Christian Songs is Okay; Let’s Make a Deal

When I heard that a New Jersey public school was using school children to sing praises to President Barack Hussein, eh…is it okay for me to say his middle name now? Just checking because I still don’t know the rules on that. As I was saying, when I heard that school kids were singing praises to President Barack Hussein Obama, I wasn’t shocked. That’s just what the Liberal-controlled school systems do no matter how much they may try and deny it.

However, when I realized that they lifted a stanza from a Christian song, Jesus Loves The Little Children, and exchanged “Barack Hussein Obama” for “Jesus”, I became irate.

I won’t go as far as saying that these Liberal educators committed heresy or even a sacrilege. But, what they did was insensitive and highly disrespectful to all Christians not only in this country, but around the world.

These Christian lyrics:

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

Were changed to:

Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mmm!

A Christian song is not just a thing one sings for entertainment value. We Christians consider the singing of these songs as a form of worship like praying, reading the Bible, attending church and giving of tithes. I don’t expect Liberals to really understand because Ann Coulter was right after all about our Liberal brethren, they really are Godless. For them, a profession of faith is mostly lip service, or something that one does to keep up appearances. They really don’t believe in Jesus Christ anyway.

Lets be real.

But instead of having a discussion about the value of faith, I propose a compromise with all Liberals in this country. You can bastardize any Christian song you want and insert President Obama’s name to your hearts content since you feel the need to deify this president, in exchange for agreeing to bring back prayer in the public schools.

Let’s reinstate this payer that you Liberals found so offensive in 1962’s Engel v. Vitale Supreme Court decision:

“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.”

Let’s dispense with all the phony talk about the separation of church and state that really doesn’t appear in the constitution anyway. You get to sing songs to Obama and we get to have our children pray to a real deity that you don’t believe in.

So what’s the harm?

I think this is a fair bargain.

President Obama, while visiting Turkey, said that the United States was no longer a Christian country, right? According to him we’re one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. But, I doubt highly you would usurp any Muslims songs any time soon.

That would be going too far.

world in changes....

Santa Lucia...Santa Lucia
that's a beautiful song..I kept singing it after I saw the El Andaluz building on Chapala...I went into SB again to see what all the fuss is, development on Chapala. I park in front of the big, but not that big, El Andaluz mixed use building..I tried not to like it at first but I couldn't...I walked around, sat down on a very comfy bench, peered into the courtyard's rather lovely...what is the big replaced a bunch of old termite infested clapboard row buildings..and now you get a nice place to sit and enjoy the mountain view! Ironic, I thought..looking up and down Chapala, I don't see any major issues...there are a few large condo buildings...I wouldn't mind living in one...the rest of the street is pretty much the same as was in the 1960s!! Now, if the YES on B/ Preserve Our SB folks have enough cash to bring back the 1960s, the stop lights on the highway, all those old times good times..I'd say YES!! We had a ball back then discovering this great area..and it really hasn't changed that much... you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave...
some change is necessary and welcomed...some places should be saved like the Brinkerhoff, Santa Monica Pier, Cannery Row in Monterey and the Santa Cruz boardwalk..those are places of historic value..that is, if the property owner shares those values!
you see, the times they are always a can pass all the initiatives you want, but time marches on..just be sure the changes enhance the city..I think the El Andaluz reminds me of the Arlington Theater...or some Spanish getaway, right in town...the building is much nicer than Texas developer Randy Van Wolfswinkel could ever build, so maybe he's just jealous which is why he is funding all these anti-Santa Barbara folks..really, that's what they are.
Santa Barbara is a beautiful city. It is a shame that certain people are too uptight to enjoy it. They are too busy trying to control it ... and they are smothering it...trying to snuff the life out of it! Don't let them suffocate this city!!!
the YES ON B slate is bad for SB..plain and simple! It is absolutely irrational to suddenly want buildings of a certain height because of fear...there are many great buildings over 40 ft in SB that add to the charm and lifeblood of the city....YES on B is a very sneaky proposition and funded/supported by some very sneaky people....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

'24' Music Video: "Wasteland"

Link: YouTube


the First Annual Santa Barbara Alcohol Drenched Ocktoberfest.....

assholes everywhere are encouraged to attend and drink for a good cause...special points for getting drunk, passing out, vomiting on an upscale Santa Barbara gal, and driving home without getting a DUI or a RIP!! What a fucking gas!! WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS WITH DRINKERS THAT WE HAVE TO HOLD FESTIVALS FOR THEM IN A PUBLIC PARK?? What happened to the ban on alcohol in the parks??
German tradition?? why do you think Hitler was so crazy?? he drank too much beer..Nazi bastards!!!
Santa Barbara Oktoberfest is truly a one of a kind event fusing the modern American culture, old world German tradition, and Santa Barbara's upscale sense of style. We have brought together multiple local eateries, international brews, and some of the best bands southern California has to offer to ensure the success of Oktoberfest. Santa Barbara is rich with history and tradition and is the perfect setting for an event such as Oktoberfest that has been around for almost 200 years! This years Oktoberfest will take place at the Chase Palm Park (next to Fess Parker's Double Tree Resort). One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to a local Santa Barbara youth center to rebuild their gymnasium as well as multiple other local charities. The afternoon will begin at 3pm and end at 9pm on October 10, 2009. With ticket purchase you get a mug to sample all the beers and an afternoon to remember. You will also be entered to win an all expenses paid weekend get away to beautiful Carmel, California.
no thanks, the best way to remember an afternoon is not to drink your way through it...hop-heads!

'24' Season 8 News

DWF President Seeks World Peace
By William Keck September 28, 2009 09:07 AM EST

Apparently, 24’s First Gentleman couldn’t get past President Allison Taylor’s ratting out their corrupt daughter on last season’s 24 finale. When next we see Emmy winner Cherry Jones as Madam Prez this January, she will be minus both a wedding ring and a husband! “I’m not married anymore,” Cherry tells me of her character’s status. “I am the first woman and divorcée in the White House.” Cherry says there will be only a brief discussion of the divided Taylor family early in the eighth season before Allison refocuses on world peace. “Obviously,” says Cherry, “the marriage was not as strong as we were led to believe.”

Source Link:

Transformers FANSAnimated, un nuevo proyecto de la serie de Transformers hecha por fans para fans

Hola nuevamente, los saludo trayéndole una muy buena noticia para los fans de la serie Transformers Animated. Esta nueva serie realizada por fans sin fines lucrativos es llevada a cabo para que aquellos que se quedaron con ganas de ver algo más de Animated lo tendrán de la mano de Nemek Prime (David) y su servidor Lord Megatron (Martín). Por parte de mi amigo Nemek se llevara a cabo la realización de la animación, mientras que por mi parte llevo a cabo la realización de los guiones de la serie el cual ya estoy en el episodio número cuatro y me enorgullece decir que con estos episodios la serie se esta tornando muy interesante y con el correr del tiempo la serie se ira mostrando mucho mas interesante.
La primera temporada constara de 13 episodios respectivamente, y con el correr de la serie si se torna interesante seguirá su rumbo.
Esta nueva serie de Transformers se tratara de una nueva historia totalmente independiente a las otras series pero basa en Generation One, es decir, que no seguirán la continuidad de ninguna de las anteriores series al igual que la serie original de Animated pero estará guiada en ella. Aun sin fecha de estreno puedo decirles con seguridad que para antes de fin de año tendremos el primer episodio animado el cual podrán descargar de este blog al igual que del blog de mi amigo Nemek, en poco tiempo les tendremos un trailer de adelanto de la serie para que puedan ver como se vendrá esta nueva generación de Transformers dedicada especialmente a los niños que han visto la serie producida por Hasbro y Cartoon Network.
Con estas noticias me despido por el día de hoy y quiero dejarles de adelanto que en el blog tendremos muy pronto una sección de descarga multimedia de Transformers, las cuales incluirán música, series, comics y demás material de entretenimiento de Transformers para que ustedes puedan disfrutarlos, un saludo y hasta la próxima.

Monday, September 28, 2009

night moves....

I wonder if actress and ex- high schooler Katherine Heigl was a spitter??

I am learning a lot about things...for example, I learned that one man special interest group Randall Van Wolfswinkel went to Santa Barbara High with Sheila Lodge's daughters! Is that cool or what...I guess that makes him as local as any yocal..I went to SBHS with a lot of daughters...the question I have for Randall is did he put the night moves on Sheila's girls? Were they spitters? High school was fun and all, running around with books, band practice, the war, the drugs, shop class, cross country...some guys were getting drafted to Vietnam...some guys went to college, some guys were just four days gone into running...but high school was the first opportunity to see a smorgasbord of Santa Barbara babes, concentrated in one make friends, hang out at the beach or Mountain Drive, work summers, ride motorcycles..push the with moms and dads who were doing their best to guide a bunch of high energy independent kids..I don't know if I ever saw Sheila's daughters at high school, but they probably were doing what everyone else was doing..learning about life and sex ... and I wonder if they ever skipped school, hiked up the mountain, got drunk on white wine, and had sex? ya think? Maybe they dutifully sat in French class and learned their important je suis and vous allez tongue twisters... I had a French teacher once I think she was a swallower, being older an' all...
so Sheila thinks that because Randy went to SBHS, he's the man to save Santa Barbara from sky do this, Randy, a developer of sky scrapers in Texas, has given large sums of money to a slate of candidates and causes that will give him a proper return on his investment...if ever a person is trying to buy an election, this is the guy....and Sheila is part of the Citizens Planning Association who tried to kill the Miramar project..when she was on the council, she voted for state water! more growth!!!
she's also had help from the News-Press propaganda machine..and now all these folks are in one big playpen trying to subvert SB politics...these are the folks worried about the budget and yet they are spending money like drunken editors!!
I tell ya, I wish I was back in high school workin' on the night moves...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

the Doors....

If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is - infinite".

ok, I'm almost sick of Santa Barbara's like someone left the crazy door open and now look at what we got...clowns jokers knaves pessimists drama queens fools comedians freaks people with vertigo reprobates rebels radicals...the only good thing is all the ideas I'm getting for a Halloween costume!!
so will the governor's race be anything like the local city council race? Take a look at candidate Meg Whitman....another conservative with a shady shadow... and now we learn she hasn't taken the time to vote in the past!
INDIAN WELLS, Calif. -- Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman sought to redirect attention from her spotty voting record Saturday as she promoted a platform of fiscal discipline to the party faithful.
Last week, The Sacramento Bee reported that according to voter registration records, the 53-year-old billionaire and former eBay CEO was not a registered voter until 2002. The newspaper reported that no voter registration records for Whitman could be found in any of of the places that they reviewed ("six states and a dozen counties, including towns and counties in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Rhode Island and California...").
Speaking to the state Republican Party convention near Palm Springs, Whitman outlined a program of severe austerity for state government if she is elected next year.
She promised to slash an additional $15 billion in spending and reduce the state government work force by 40,000, reiterating points she made earlier in the week when she formally announced her candidacy. She provided no details about how she would achieve those goals.
Whitman told GOP delegates that California simply can no longer afford the level of government service it has been providing.
"If elected, I will identify and implement at least $15 billion in permanent spending cuts from the state budget. I'll eliminate redundant and underperforming government agencies and commissions," she said.
Whitman's speech did not touch on questions that have surrounded the campaign for days, after The Sacramento Bee published the results of an investigation into her voting record.
Shortly after Whitman gave the state party $250,000 of her own money for voter-registration efforts, the Bee reported there was no evidence that she had ever registered to vote before 2002 and she had not registered as a Republican until 2007.
On Saturday, Whitman refused to answer repeated questions from reporters about the issue.
"I did not vote. I should've voted. It is inexcusable," she said. "I've said what I'm going to say about it."
One of Whitman's opponents for the GOP nomination, state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, has called on her to drop out of the race. He said Whitman's apparent failure to participate in elections for 28 years suggests a lack of engagement in politics and government.
Poizner also faced questions from reporters about previous campaign donations to Democrats, including the presidential campaign of Al Gore. He said his wife is a Democrat and they share a joint checking account.
"The fact is, I've been a Republican since 1981 and I am married to someone who's been a Democrat her whole life. ... We've had some very interesting dinnertime conversations," he said.
Poizner promoted his proposal to cut the personal income, corporate and sales taxes, which he said will generate revenue by allowing existing businesses to grow and attracting new ones.
The other GOP gubernatorial candidate, former congressman Tom Campbell, criticized both of his opponents for failing to provide sufficient details about how they would revive California's economy and cut spending. Campbell released his own budget proposal in May detailing $17.5 billion in cuts.
He also took issue with Poizner's strategy of cutting taxes as a way to boost tax revenue to the state.
"You cut first and then you can lower taxes," he said. "When we cut spending by 17 cents, then we can cut taxes by 17 cents."Read more at: huffpo

sidewalk crouches at her feet, like a dog that begs for something sweet....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Remember when Jimmy Carter Called Barack Obama a Boy? Another Blown Opportunity by Cowardly Republicans

Quite recently, 84 year old Jimmy Carter accused millions of Americans of being racists for having the gall to oppose nationalized health care. Many things have been said since then ranging from Carter was only speaking for himself on one hand, to he was actually playing the bad cop for the White House to marginalize the impact of the Town Hall meetings.

None of these speculations are even close.

What Carter, or more appropriately, the Democrat party was really doing was performing a maintenance job on the gears of the social conditioning of Black folks.

Every now and then you have to take your car to get gas, change the oil, and rotate the tires. It’s necessary for the smooth running of your vehicle. The African American community, who solidly votes Democrat at a rate of 95% and above doesn’t happen by accident. The Democrat party never miss an opportunity to mislead and distort the image of Republicans.

Unfortunately, the Republican party continues to let themselves be beaten on rhetorical front because the subject of race is so explosive. But, there comes a time where courage has to emerge, fear needs to be set aside, and political correctness ignored.

The Democrat party continues to feed the phony impression that all Republicans are racists even though they were the party of Slavery. Does anyone bother to point out that Bull Conner was Democrat? Or that the Kluu Klux Klan was the terrorist wing of the Democrat party?

It’s bad enough we have Republicans that are afraid to defend Conservatism. But, these same cowards are also terrified to defend their true history.

This must change.

Tombstone Blues...

mama's in the kitchen, she ain't got no shoes...

did you go to the mayor debate at the Boys and Girls club Thursday night?, It was sponsored by the folks who had kiddie porn on their computers, the NewsPress. Geez, isn't kiddie porn frowned upon in Santa Barbara anymore?? Shouldn't Wendy and Nipper and Travis be in jail?
so you didn't go? Me neither..why should I.. the NewsPRess advertised it would have a live feed via AM 1290, NewsPress I'll just listen in the comfort of my own living room..besides, it's hot and humid and I can take a pool break later, a nice cool swim at night beats a sticky debate anyday!
So it starts at 1900 hours, (7:00 pm to you civilians) and I turn on the radio and what do I get...I don't get honey you turn me on I'm a radio, I just get static..hurts the head...I get a bunch of broken garbled talk from Travis and Gary, the moderators..the signal was so poor, they could have done better with a string and two Dixie cups!!

Geez, Travis, this is has improved, there are educated radio engineers out there..hire one! You are incompetent!! and it looks like the stress of lying, I mean writing, for the NewsPress is taking a toll on your health!! fatso! call Jenny Craig!! it's what happens when you sell your soul to the devil! I went down to the crossroads.....
so anyway after about a half hour, I can almost hear what the candidates are saying...the funniest moment was after Cushman said we gotta take back our waterfront from the homeless..Bob Hansen started shouting "only rich white assholes should be allowed to live in Santa Barbara"...way to go Bob..the NewsPress couldn't censor that being a live audio!..I'm certain they will doctor it later... then Dale Francisco kept crowing about how he's not taking money from unions and didn't support the latest union contracts...he's trying to pass himself off as Mr. Ethics all of a seems the three groups that conservatives fear the most are homeless, gangs and city workers!! Well, Dale, if you didn't support the latest MOU, then you didn't support safety equipment for the city staff, training, uniform maintenance and all those other things hammered out in collective bargaining! No, old Dale just does what Travis tells him to do....and Dale used to work for Cisco Sytems, a firm that had plenty of ethics issues!
obviously Dale is the pocket puppet of the News-Press and Van Wolfswinkel but won't admit it...
Helene, you need to stand up for the city workers instead of straddling the fence! The News-Press has been getting away with lies for too long!
It's gonna be a shootout at the OK Corral!

Friday, September 25, 2009

he's got the whole world in his hands...

he's got the whole wide world in his hands....

Randall Van Wolfswinkel, is a man
He's made a fortune in Texas, ripping up the land
He's got the urban sprawl in His plans,
He's got the whole town in His hands.
He's got itty bitty Santa Barbara in His hands,
Does the Phantom of Montecito have a tan?
He's got some trust fund babies in His hands,
He's got the whole town in His hands.

He's got the sun and the rain in His hands,
He's got the Texas plains in His hands,
Sheila Lodge and CPA say he's a new world man,
He's got the whole town in His hands.

He's got the Santa Barbara News-Press in His hands,
He's got the high rise towers and in His plans,
He develops but he doesn't with His hands,
He's got the whole town in His hands.
He's got Frank and Dale and Mike in His hands,
Though Dale always claims he's never met the man
Now that's something I just don't understand
He's got the whole.. town His hands....

have mercy!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel Speech at U.N.

He’s a proud patriot who advocates for his country and for the cause of freedom without apology. He’s speaks truth to the worthless and ineffective bunch of do nothings that is the United Nations.

Memo to President Obama: This is the true leader of Free World! You’re out of your league.

God bless you, Ben, and your country!

Pardon Me Brother While I Stab You in the Back

Who says Coups can only happens in third world countries?

On September 22, 2009 President Barack Obama, the first African American elected to the highest political office in the land, effectively told New York Governor David Patterson, get lost, I’ll go with the White guy, Andrew Cuomo instead.

Not one shot was fired, or was blood left on the floor. Yet the betrayal was just as viscous and painful for Patterson who must feel like the loneliest Democrat in the world.

“David is the first African American governer in the state of New York and he’s being asked to get out of the race. It’s very unusual and it seems very unfair,” said Michelle Patterson, the governor’s wife.

So much for history.

Patterson is also the first legally blind governor in the history of the country. But, that didn’t deter Obama from twisting his knife in David’s back. Of course none of the racial or disability aspects of this story will be reported in the main stream press in the fashion that it is being reported here. That would only happen if it was a Republican performing some sort of perceived dirt on Liberal.

And as for the Black and Latino voters who according to an August Siena Research Institute poll think that New York State is on the right track at the rates of 50% and 60% respectively, who cares what they think.

What was really important is that 62% of Whites think that the state is going in the wrong direction, and President Obama sided with the White folks.

So David had to go!

Don’t expect protests in the Black community even though Patterson got his throat cut. It was all George Bush’s fault, right?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/24/09

True Blood' actor cast in '24'

Former True Blood actor Stephen Root has joined the cast of Fox's 24, says The Hollywood Reporter.

The 57-year-old, who played Eddie for four episodes of FX's vampire drama, has reportedly been booked on the Kiefer Sutherland-fronted show for a multi-episode arc.

Root has been cast in the role of Ben Prady, an officer of the Department of Corrections who is looking into a parolee who has gone missing. He joins Rami Malek, Julian Morris and Hrach Titizian, who have all recently landed recurring roles on the show's upcoming eighth season.

Source Link: Digital Spy

the full measure...

Preserve Our Pigmy Palms and our Preciousness!!

I went into small quaint town Santa Barbara to do some errands.... naturally, I didn't leave my humble abode without my trusty stun gun..given all the news about gangs and homeless, Santa Bee is like a minefield now...and no more Mr. Nice Guy here..if a bum asks me for money and gives me a hard luck story, I'll whip out the gun and taser the dude, put him down on the ground, squirming like a fish outta water..ZAP!! BAM!! POW!!
So I wash the truck and go to Santa Cruz market..the best tomatoes in the world! FUCK WHOLE FOODS!!
Wow..what a lovely day..sunny and warm so I walk around..almost followed this chick to the beach!

I come to this huge old yellowish house by the beach, at least 60 ft high with a bunch of campaign signs on the lawn: Self, Hotchkiss, Francisco, Yes on B...why would a 60 ft building have such signs? I don't know... maybe it isn't 60 ft, but it sure looks like it..nothing wrong with 60 footers the proper place.. and palm trees..why are they allowed to be so high, let's cut 'em down to size..5 ft maximum..SUPPORT MEASURE P!!
Preserve Their Santa Barbara...
uhhh..I heard an ad on the radio funded by Texas highriser Randy Van Wolfswinkel/ Preserve Our SB and it sounds like Grandma was doing the voice!! Do you see the irony here, Dale? You say you won't take money from developers, but Randy is a developer who funded the ad, and asks voters to vote for you via a nice old lady! You just accepted money from a developer! dumbass!!
Listen here to granny and my rebuttal, with my own background music... kick out the jams, muthaflowers!

the meter is running...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

charity begins at home...

nonprofits redistribute wealth! they are socialists! commies! pinkos! anti-capitalists!
In a never ending quest to expose nonprofits for the tax-evading lazy scoundrels that they are (mostly), I hereby declare that California should drop all tax exemptions for so-called "non-profits and religious" institutions, the money gained would EXACTLY be enough to balance the books! The Santa Barbara City Council race has a few candidates who collect cash through their nonprofits...fucking nonprofit whores, that's what they are..don't you dare vote for them..instead tell them to get off their fat asses and go work for a living instead of asking for more donations!!
hey, I got me an idea..let's throw a Tea Party...naaaah...I don't want those genetic flops anywhere near me!! But, dadburnit, I'm sick of these little wussies hiding behind nonprofits so they don't have to work and sweat for a living....
Make all those parasites pay their own way for a change instead of sponging off us single taxpayers
Lets include charities, religions, especially the Jewish religion they should pay us for protecting,arming, and enriching Israel, and politicians in that group!! Politicians live off the backs of the people so we should tax them higher than any other group!! As for religions it is time they paid their fair share instead of chasing little boys!! They couldn't keep their mouths shut when it came to politics so they should be taxed also they no longer take care of the poor as the government does it now!!! They spend most of their money fighting law suits now!!

Many churches spend an incredible amount of money on buildings, cars, trips, and special expenses like paying off victims families. Just enough makes it to the poor to say that they are a charity. It would be much more efficient to make them pay taxes and provide the services directly from the government without skimming cash to pay off pedophile victims.
nonprofits no more! pass it on...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Setting the Record Straight: The True History of Civil Rights and the Republican Party that Democrats Don’t Want Black People to Know

Frances Rice, Chairwoman of the National Black Republican Association talks about how the Democratic party have successfully distorted history to keep Blacks ignorant of the fact that the Republican Party started the fight for Civil Rights and had to fight the Democrat Party every step of the way.

For nearly 50 years Blacks have been socially conditioned to vote Democrat based on a false impressions, mischaracterizations, and outright lies about the Republican Party. For 75 years after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves that were enslaved by White Democrats, Blacks solidly supported the Republican Party. But 1964 Civil Rights Act changed that reality. The bill finally passed with greater percentage of Republicans voting for it than Democrats. Later, Whites who voted Democrat for over 100 years left the Democratic Party and voted Republican.

So the Democrat Party, who had fought a war to keep slavery, who fought to keep segregation alive, and who was opposed to all civil rights acts of the past, needed a new base to replenish the hole left by the Whites who left.

The rest is a sad history of deceit and psychological manipulation perpetrated against Blacks by the very people who were their enslavers in the first place. This has gone on long enough and it needs to stop and the truth be told.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/23/09

Additional Emmy 2009 Pictures

Dana Walden (FOX Executive) & Kiefer Sutherland

(left to right): Kiefer Sutherland, Cherry Jones, Howard Gordon & Brad Turner

Kiefer Sutherland, Cherry Jones & Howard Gordon

Kiefer & Cherry

this and that...

question of the day...

what's this doing on the table????

what's that doing on the ground???



Hola nuevamente a todo en este martes lluvioso, hoy voy a presentarles a un pequeña asociación de anime que se esta llevando a cabo en la ciudad de Tandil, si se trata del grupo llamado ADOKINES. Este grupo esta dedicado a todo lo que es el anime, manga, o comics de todo tipo y también no es para menos obviar su aprecio por la cultura japonesa. Conformado hasta ahora por sus cinco miembros (Miru, Tohru, Elu, Franko y finalmente su servidor Lord Megatron) este grupo los invita a todos aquellos que les guste el anime (así también como TRANSFORMERS, el cual contaran con mi presencia ya que asisto a las reuniones ^ ^) a unirse, se reúnen todos los domingos a las 16:30 HS en la Glorieta de la plaza del centro y en alguna ocasiones suelen reunirse los días de semanas para tratar asuntos del grupo. En fin si alguien de ustedes esta interesado en unirse les voy dejar el correo para aquellos que quieran nos manden un mail. Para eso deben escribirnos aquí: ADOKINESTANDIL@GMAIL.COM. También pueden visitar el blog donde encontraran información acerca de series de anime para ello deben hacerlo a WWW.OTAKUSTANDIL.BLOGSPOT.COM

Bien espero que les haya servido de algo este articulo de hoy, no solo para los fans que se encuentran en Tandil, sino también para aquellos de la zona también pueden visitarnos a nuestra ciudad, los estaremos esperando con gusto.

Un poco de historia Autobot, una mirada a Kup

Bueno, ante todo quiero saludarlos nuevamente y desearles a todos los estudiantes un muy feliz día y una muy feliz primavera a todos. Bien sin mas rodeos comienzo con la nota de hoy.
Comandante de batalla, amigo, compañero, consejero, guía y entrenador. Kup es uno de los autobot mas viejos que se encuentran entre las filas Autobots (lo cual me lleva a hacerle este gran homenaje ya que soy un gran admirador de este tipo de personajes). Fue él al que la mayoría de los Autobots le debe no solo la vida, sino también todos sus conocimientos en combate. Desde antes que comenzara la gran guerra, Kup trabajaba en el servicio militar Autobot como entrenador de los jovenes cadetes que llegaban para formar parte del gran ejercito que luego lucharía por su libertad, entre los Autobots bajo el mando de Kup se destacan Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Springger, Prowl y gran parte de los Autobots que sin su entrenamiento nunca podrían haber llegado a donde se encuentran.

Kup no suele ser del tipo de ‘Bots más amables a la hora de entrenar o combatir, inclusive el mismo Optimus Prime le tiene un gran respeto y confianza que le ha revelado el secreto acerca de la Matriz de Liderazgo. Este peculiar soldado Autobot se ha caracterizado por su gran experiencia de vida ante los demás robots, es esto lo que provoca admiración para los mas jovenes del grupo.
En la serie de televisión de 1986 (que es en la película donde realiza su primera aparición), Kup es el jefe de seguridad y vigilancia tanto en Cybertron como en Autobot City en la Tierra. En la serie de se nos muestra un Kup que guía a Rodimus Prime (líder de los Autobots) y a sus demás compañero por medio de la experiencia que ha ganado a través de los años, mientras que en el universo de los comics se nos muestra un Kup totalmente frió y decidido a la hora de atacar en campo de batalla, sin vacilar en romper las placas madres de sus oponentes, Kup es comandante de una pequeña (pero poderosa) unidad de batalla conformada por Roadbbuster, Hot Rod, Blurr, Driff, Springger, Blaster y Perceptor. Pese a su carácter y personalidad, Kup tiene un gran respeto a Optimus Prime, mas allá de porque sea el líder supremo de los Autobots sino por ser el portador de la Matriz de Liderazgo.

Cherry Jones Post-Emmy Press Conference

Press conference with actress Cherry Jones at the 61st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards. Ms. Jones won the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series for her portrayal of President Allison Taylor on Fox's '24':

Link: YouTube

Post-Emmy Interviews With Cherry Jones, Howard Gordon & Jon Cassar

Cherry Jones just got an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. Jones and executive producers Howard Gordon and Jon Cassar comment on this great moment:

Link: YouTube

Obama Wants To Remove the Secret Ballot

What is the Employee Free Choice Act and why does President Barack Obama love it so much? It’s smoothly packaged as legislation that would help union members attain better wages, better healthcare, and more financial security for all.

Sounds great, right?

But, what lies beneath the silky packaging that sounds so wonderful, just like our velvet tongued president? Hidden among all the superb promises that this bill makes, is a provision removing the rights of all union members to cast a secret ballot. In other words, the union rank and fill would have to publicly vote in full view of union officials on all issues.

Think of the impact?

Union members would be open to hostile intimidation if they do not support the Union leadership. Another facet of this most dishonest legislation is to make a concerted effort to strong-arm private businesses to unionize their workforce.

Casting a secret ballot is one of our most time honored tenants of the United States Constitution. But, President Barack Obama, who received 64 million dollars from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) for his presidential campaign, wants to do an end run around the Constitution.

This is how socialists roll!

They like to remove individual rights to increase the reach and power of the central government.

54% of Chrysler Motors is now controlled by the United Auto Workers Union (UAW). Now President Obama wants to go after other businesses and this legislation, if passed, would make it a whole lot easier for him.

Employee Free Choice Act?

Ha, it should be called the Employee No Choice Act.

Are you paying attention to what’s happening to your country?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 5/24/09

Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Emmy Picture...

From left to right: Jon Cassar, Kiefer Sutherland, Cherry Jones & Howard Gordon

here come ol' flat top..

he got monkey finger, he shoot Coca Cola...
SPOTLIGHT ON: Dale Francisco, Mayoral candidate for the troubled City of Santa Barbara....
he hates faggots:
although his mannerisms point to latent gayness, he gave money to an initiative to deny civil rights to a gay people.. and that's what we need in a leader.. a divider not a uniter...the Separator!!
fiscally brilliant: hitches his wagon to the rich and then denies it! We need a liar as Mayor! Dale has been hanging with Wendy McCuckoo and Randy Van Wolfswinkel and benefits from their illicit cash...and he won't take money from the working class, ie, unions! he has ads for his Mayoral campaign posted on Craig'slist!
and on his site, he solicits donations from EVERYONE..nothing about rejecting money from unions or developers...
and I wonder if he knows the paypal link ain't working! Barebones fiscal management!
gangs: only Dale will stop these cultural sociopaths once and for all!! Calls Hotchkiss' war against gangs : "Franks and Beaners"!
speaking of gangs:
I want all you candidates to support my idea of activating the National Guard Armory by the high school, and have the guards patrol the streets at night...hell, I'd sign up for that!!!
a man's man: does things on his terms... showed up 20 minutes late for a recent candidate forum and didn't even realize that he wasted everyone's time!! that's moxy!!
a finger pointing leader: Dale's leadership style is a shout above the rest! he joins a long line of famous finger pointers!!
wants to redo City Hall: thinks the global recession and Wall Street market meltdown of Bushenomics was caused by Marty Blum and Helene Schneider!
experienced and not afraid to get his hands dirty: a retired software engineer! He sure has a bad website for a software engineer! made of teflon: sits on steering committees that have received money from a Texas developer, and claims he's not influenced by said developer.... a sheep in Wolfswinkel's clothing!
a vote for Dale is a vote for no spare change!!

Cherry Jones Emmy Win & Acceptance For Supporting Actress In A Drama

Thanks 24Spoilers & Benny

Congratulations Cherry!

Kiefer Sutherland's Emmy Presentation - 9/20/09

Thanks Penny & Benny Blog

2009 Emmy Pictures (Kiefer Sutherland & Cherry Jones) - 9/20/09