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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pardon Me Brother While I Stab You in the Back

Who says Coups can only happens in third world countries?

On September 22, 2009 President Barack Obama, the first African American elected to the highest political office in the land, effectively told New York Governor David Patterson, get lost, I’ll go with the White guy, Andrew Cuomo instead.

Not one shot was fired, or was blood left on the floor. Yet the betrayal was just as viscous and painful for Patterson who must feel like the loneliest Democrat in the world.

“David is the first African American governer in the state of New York and he’s being asked to get out of the race. It’s very unusual and it seems very unfair,” said Michelle Patterson, the governor’s wife.

So much for history.

Patterson is also the first legally blind governor in the history of the country. But, that didn’t deter Obama from twisting his knife in David’s back. Of course none of the racial or disability aspects of this story will be reported in the main stream press in the fashion that it is being reported here. That would only happen if it was a Republican performing some sort of perceived dirt on Liberal.

And as for the Black and Latino voters who according to an August Siena Research Institute poll think that New York State is on the right track at the rates of 50% and 60% respectively, who cares what they think.

What was really important is that 62% of Whites think that the state is going in the wrong direction, and President Obama sided with the White folks.

So David had to go!

Don’t expect protests in the Black community even though Patterson got his throat cut. It was all George Bush’s fault, right?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/24/09

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