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Thursday, September 24, 2009

the full measure...

Preserve Our Pigmy Palms and our Preciousness!!

I went into small quaint town Santa Barbara to do some errands.... naturally, I didn't leave my humble abode without my trusty stun gun..given all the news about gangs and homeless, Santa Bee is like a minefield now...and no more Mr. Nice Guy here..if a bum asks me for money and gives me a hard luck story, I'll whip out the gun and taser the dude, put him down on the ground, squirming like a fish outta water..ZAP!! BAM!! POW!!
So I wash the truck and go to Santa Cruz market..the best tomatoes in the world! FUCK WHOLE FOODS!!
Wow..what a lovely day..sunny and warm so I walk around..almost followed this chick to the beach!

I come to this huge old yellowish house by the beach, at least 60 ft high with a bunch of campaign signs on the lawn: Self, Hotchkiss, Francisco, Yes on B...why would a 60 ft building have such signs? I don't know... maybe it isn't 60 ft, but it sure looks like it..nothing wrong with 60 footers the proper place.. and palm trees..why are they allowed to be so high, let's cut 'em down to size..5 ft maximum..SUPPORT MEASURE P!!
Preserve Their Santa Barbara...
uhhh..I heard an ad on the radio funded by Texas highriser Randy Van Wolfswinkel/ Preserve Our SB and it sounds like Grandma was doing the voice!! Do you see the irony here, Dale? You say you won't take money from developers, but Randy is a developer who funded the ad, and asks voters to vote for you via a nice old lady! You just accepted money from a developer! dumbass!!
Listen here to granny and my rebuttal, with my own background music... kick out the jams, muthaflowers!

the meter is running...

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