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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Remember when Jimmy Carter Called Barack Obama a Boy? Another Blown Opportunity by Cowardly Republicans

Quite recently, 84 year old Jimmy Carter accused millions of Americans of being racists for having the gall to oppose nationalized health care. Many things have been said since then ranging from Carter was only speaking for himself on one hand, to he was actually playing the bad cop for the White House to marginalize the impact of the Town Hall meetings.

None of these speculations are even close.

What Carter, or more appropriately, the Democrat party was really doing was performing a maintenance job on the gears of the social conditioning of Black folks.

Every now and then you have to take your car to get gas, change the oil, and rotate the tires. It’s necessary for the smooth running of your vehicle. The African American community, who solidly votes Democrat at a rate of 95% and above doesn’t happen by accident. The Democrat party never miss an opportunity to mislead and distort the image of Republicans.

Unfortunately, the Republican party continues to let themselves be beaten on rhetorical front because the subject of race is so explosive. But, there comes a time where courage has to emerge, fear needs to be set aside, and political correctness ignored.

The Democrat party continues to feed the phony impression that all Republicans are racists even though they were the party of Slavery. Does anyone bother to point out that Bull Conner was Democrat? Or that the Kluu Klux Klan was the terrorist wing of the Democrat party?

It’s bad enough we have Republicans that are afraid to defend Conservatism. But, these same cowards are also terrified to defend their true history.

This must change.

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