WTF is the matter with you?? Endorsing Frank Hotchkiss and Mike Self is like endorsing Abbott and Costello! Have you ever seen Frank drive around town in an old Black Porsche with NO FRONT LICENSE PLATE??? That's illegal! and Mike Self says she won't take money from unions but she will take money for a nonprofit and not pay taxes! Well, you nonprofits need to stick together..Safe Streets and the SB Police Association, both tax exempt organizations that aren't afraid to take money from City Hall for their little programs!
"Our top priority is ensuring safety"
Maintain and Increase our Police says Mike on her webpage!
Ok.. coppers, that explains why you endorsed her..she was against the police unions before she was for them before she was against can't support the police without supporting the unions...and according to the Independent report, "Self noted that despite the POA endorsement, she, too, would not be taking any money from the police union. "I’m not taking any union money," she said. Instead, the POA will be spending about $60,000 running an independent campaign on behalf of Self, Hotchkiss, Channing, and Schneider. "I love it," Self said. she has no problem taking money indirectly for the police union, who will campaign for her!!!!!!!
Well, you cops screwed up big time....and remember, the cops always get the juiciest benefits and salaries..they can retire at 50 with most of their salary while the rank and file of other departments negotiated lesser benefits! With this endorsement, the anti-union Self and
and Hotchkiss... well, he went to Yale and got a History of Art degree! WTF good is that for running a city?
and Frank tells two different tales about Santa Barbara: when he's being political, it's a gang infested homeless sewer; however, when he's trying to sell it via his real estate business, it's " welcome to paradise"!!
geez fellas, the Keystone cops could have made better picks!!
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