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Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Does Van Jones Resignation Really Say About Mainstream Media

Van Jones, Baraclk Obama’s so-called Green Jobs Czar resigned late last night, Sept 6, 2009 as a result of the truth being brought to light. The bigger story and what every American should realize is that all the information about his radical views were not reported by the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC.

How could this be?

The answer is very simple.

These so-called news organizations have become stenography centers. Their mission statement used to be to objectively report the news to the public. This endeavor however is so important that it is constitutionally protected by the 1st amendment. A free press is a vital component to a successful democracy.

However, we no longer have a free press.

The mainstream media in this country is enslaved by Left Wing ideology. The days of objectively reporting the goings on of government are long dead. Get used to it because those days won’t be coming back if they ever existed at all.

The resignation of Van Jones is a minor detail. He won’t be even a footnote in history. What really matters is why he got the job in the first place. And the answer to that is simple too.

President Barack Obama and Van Jones are one in the same. They are both ideological brothers-in-arms who believe America needs to be remade into a socialist Utopia.

These facts have always been out there. But it took WorldNet Daily, an Internet site, who for the past five months dug into Van Jones’s radical history and reported the facts to the public. Then Glenn Beck picked up the story and was attacked by Left Wing bloggers for simply doing what the mainstream media USED TO DO!

The real story about Van Jones is that the mainstream media is on life support. They no longer have a monopoly on the public’s trust.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans still trust the mainstream media for their news. And President Obama will continue to use his stenographers (mainstream media) to deceive the public from his true intentions.

But, that’s beginning to crumble too.

Thank God for that.

Yes, I said it!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/6/09

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