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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

world in changes....

Santa Lucia...Santa Lucia
that's a beautiful song..I kept singing it after I saw the El Andaluz building on Chapala...I went into SB again to see what all the fuss is, development on Chapala. I park in front of the big, but not that big, El Andaluz mixed use building..I tried not to like it at first but I couldn't...I walked around, sat down on a very comfy bench, peered into the courtyard's rather lovely...what is the big replaced a bunch of old termite infested clapboard row buildings..and now you get a nice place to sit and enjoy the mountain view! Ironic, I thought..looking up and down Chapala, I don't see any major issues...there are a few large condo buildings...I wouldn't mind living in one...the rest of the street is pretty much the same as was in the 1960s!! Now, if the YES on B/ Preserve Our SB folks have enough cash to bring back the 1960s, the stop lights on the highway, all those old times good times..I'd say YES!! We had a ball back then discovering this great area..and it really hasn't changed that much... you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave...
some change is necessary and welcomed...some places should be saved like the Brinkerhoff, Santa Monica Pier, Cannery Row in Monterey and the Santa Cruz boardwalk..those are places of historic value..that is, if the property owner shares those values!
you see, the times they are always a can pass all the initiatives you want, but time marches on..just be sure the changes enhance the city..I think the El Andaluz reminds me of the Arlington Theater...or some Spanish getaway, right in town...the building is much nicer than Texas developer Randy Van Wolfswinkel could ever build, so maybe he's just jealous which is why he is funding all these anti-Santa Barbara folks..really, that's what they are.
Santa Barbara is a beautiful city. It is a shame that certain people are too uptight to enjoy it. They are too busy trying to control it ... and they are smothering it...trying to snuff the life out of it! Don't let them suffocate this city!!!
the YES ON B slate is bad for SB..plain and simple! It is absolutely irrational to suddenly want buildings of a certain height because of fear...there are many great buildings over 40 ft in SB that add to the charm and lifeblood of the city....YES on B is a very sneaky proposition and funded/supported by some very sneaky people....

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