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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Irrelevant NAACP Passes Meaningless Resolution on Racism in Tea Party That Carries No Weight Beyond Ignorant African Americans

Well, as a Tea Party member myself as well as a person of color, I might as well get my money’s worth.

The NAACP (House Negros for the Dems) sad to say is a shell of it’s former self.

At one time they served a vital purpose for African Americans such as when the film, Birth of Nation was released and caused race riots. That film depicted the Klu Klux Klan as heroes and Blacks as the villains. (Did I mention Democrats started the KKK?)

The NAACP helped to shed light on the unfair and inaccurate portrayals in the film. But, those groundbreaking days are long gone. Today, the NAACP as a civil rights organization is as significant as Members Only jackets.

They have been reduced to nothing more than a “rubber stamp” for the Democrat Party to do it’s maintenance work and secure a 95% and up Black voter rate.

That’s the only function of this silly and deceitful resolution.

Kansas City Star

Late yesterday afternoon the NAACP passed a resolution calling on all people — including tea party leaders — to condemn racism within the tea party movement.

Passed on the fourth day of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s annual convention in Kansas City, the resolution also urged people to oppose what it said was the tea party’s drive “to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”

[Is this the era of Jim Crow that was invented by Democrats]

“We feel it’s very important that we educate our membership about the tea parties,” said Anita Russell, head of the Kansas City branch of the NAACP, as the debate on the resolution began. “We are concerned that there is a racist element within the tea parties.”

[Educate the membership? Education=Look, there go the Racists! Vote Democrat]

Delegates said they wanted to make it clear, however, that the resolution wasn’t indicting the entire tea party movement as racist.

[No, just 99.9%]

In response, the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition passed a resolution of its own, calling the NAACP resolution “a gutter tactic of attempting to silence opponents by inflammatory name-calling.”

The St. Louis resolution also called on the NAACP to withdraw its “bigoted, false and inflammatory resolution against the tea party.”

“The NAACP does its entire membership a grave disservice by hypocritically engaging in the very conduct it purports to oppose,” the resolution said, condemning the NAACP “for lowering itself to the dishonorable position of a partisan political attack dog organization.”

Via Kansas City Star

Via Memeorandum

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