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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

spiders and snakes...

if a frog had wings, could he sell insurance??
one of the dumbest letters I've ever read was to the Montecito Journal..the writer complained about the large number of lizards in the hills that were coming onto his property! When we moved to California, the coolest thing was living close to the hills and having all the wildlife around our property...deer, spiders, foxes, snakes owls, hawks, doves, father would not poison the gophers, instead, he would get up in the morning and wait, wait wait, then shoot them when they'd pop their heads up out of a hole... he'd fire his little .22 and always was hysterical!! and there's posts over at Edhat where someone complains about skunks and their icky odor...just nonsense..these folks should be thankful they have the senses that allow them to see and smell the outdoors..all the outdoors, not just the pretty flowers part..they need to savor all of nature and live with the vast and varied wildlife that we need living around us...
so the lizards are always welcome and they come out when it's hot and are just so cool..of course as kids we would try to catch them with little nooses made of string, but we never killed them outright...and they were fun to hold as they'd give you little love bites..surprisingly strong for such little guys...lizards are beneficial for obvious reasons but now there's another lizard, or gecko actually, that I have come to appreciate..the TV GEICO gecko! that's right, mate...the commercials are funny but what was not funny was when SAFECO my car insurance company raised my rates again for no reason! They just said: hey dumbass, pay us another $20 more per month so our investors are happy! Well, after many years with these crooks, I shopped around and started a policy with Geico, a company owned by billionaire Warren Buffet, one of the good rich people who has actually made my life better... I'll take him and Bill Gates over Wendy-types anyday! So I'm saving, if the Geico folks keep their word, about $800 a year!! I couldn't believe it and I get more coverage! GEICO stands for Government Employees Insurance Company and if you worked for the feds in any capacity, you might get a bigger Safeco can kiss my ass and they better give me a refund for this month's premium, or I'll sic my lizard on them...

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