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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cosmic Cowboy...

hey man..

it's the 40th anniversary of Woodstock and I just gotta say like I was rappin' with the fuzz..can you dig sauce man hot sauce...
so every Fiesta I make sure to go do something in Santa first attempt was Thursday and I was met with a big MF traffic jam...2 hours man 2 hours...that's how long it took to get from Carp to SB..even the side roads were stuck...the 101 was shut down man..isn't that far out??
No it isn't ...
where'd all these people come from? Florida? Geezus!! So I make it into SB, washed my truck, watched some protesters in front of Fess Parker's and went home....

Saturday was better..straight out to Big 5 then to the Earl Warren Showgrounds..a California landmark that Arnold shouldn't even consider selling, the dumbass!! I wanted to rodeo with all them white Republicans... I spotted a cool place selling cowboy hats..I picked me out one..a Toby Keith special for 38 bucks, made in China..normally I don't like Toby, but I didn't realize it was his trademark until I was in the middle of the purchase..I couldn't back out I bought it and was kinda cool so I put it on...damn if I didn't feel like a redneck country music star who highlights his hair! I swear, something came over me..I had a swagger that weren't there before..I strolled into the arena and pulled out my camera, sat down and started snapping...I started shouting SUPPORT THE TROOPS! DEPORT ILLEGAL ALLIENS!
some of the women looked at me like I was Toby, a few cheered, a few showed me their boobs and one even threw her panties at me! Either that or her baby's diapers! I didn't stick around to find out...I ran outta there faster than a bull being chased by a roper!
So I cruised around town in my truck and my cowboy hat, radio blaring on a hot Saturday...Fiesta in full swing..hey ya know, this is kinda fun.....

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