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Monday, August 24, 2009

Respect Yourself....

Dear Beth,

I found your name on a tree while I was flying around on Sunday and figured I'd drop you a ya doing? At least I didn't find your name scratched on a Carp public restroom wall: for a good time call Beth! Ha Ha!
Seriously, I got your name from a development permit that you nailed to a palm tree.
I see you (County Flood Control) have plans to clean out Arroyo Parida/Paredon creek by the Polo fields..normally, I think you folks do a great job, especially in Carp..that drainage project under 101 a few years ago was a job well done! But, I don't know if you were here then. The issue I got with you is you plan to use herbicide in our creeks...this is not good..not good at all Beth. The creeks are teeming with life..I don't give a flying fish if the plants are native or non native..there is a ecosystem here that is fine by me...there's water and food for the creatures that call this creek home..or for the creatures that are just passing why would an intelligent woman want to spray herbicide here..did your boss tell you that non native plants and animals are evil? are we talking biodiversity here, Beth? Biodiversity...this single term keeps money coming into universities so scientists can study it for the rest of their lives without actually working for a living!! Please tell me you're not a deep ecologist whose sole pupose is to sell biodiversity!
You know, Beth, that is all just a scam.. dispersal is where it's at!! ya can't stop the wind!
California spends millions (much of it going to pesticide companies) trying to kill non natives, but they just keep coming back, as Nature the little Castor Bean plant...they try to kill it, it always sprouts's a cool plant because it is a survivor! You should respect it instead of trying to poison it..a healthy respect will go a long way to keeping the creeks healthy..clean them out once a year, and then just leave them alone! If you want to use herbicides on your own garden, then I can't stop you, but leave them out of public creeks...the animals and plants deserve a little respect, doncha think?? I think you least I hope you do...remember..keep our creeks clean-flows to ocean.. that means no poison!!
very truly yours,
the hawk on the wire....

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