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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama Steps on His Tongue

“UPS and Fed Ex are doing just fine. Alright…the ahh… No, they are. It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems.”

Barack Obama, New Hampshire Town Meeting, 8/11/09.

Although the White House denies it, in a New Hampshire town meeting filled with carefully screened supporters of the president, President Obama nonetheless stumbled over his own argument for providing a public option for healthcare.

Incredibly, he made a telling analogy between Fed Ex, UPS and the U.S. Postal service and admitted that the government run outfit is riddled with problems.

Hello, Mr. President?

That’s exactly the same point that thousands of Americans have been vociferously making to the Democrats in other town hall meetings across the nation-which is, government cannot run anything as efficiently and as competently as the private sector.

So why ask the American people to pony up trillions of dollars for a new government run health care system that will not work as advertised?

The American people are not fools!

They can plainly see other government run health care systems like in Canada and the UK where medical services are rationed and are sub par to the U.S. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize it’s not worth the bother.

But, for as much as the Democrats may try to disparage the American free market system by constantly saying that we’re the only industrialized country without universal health care, the merits of such an argument falls on its face because the American people clearly know that other people from countries with universal healthcare come to the United States to get well.

Truth be told-universal health care is yet another Liberal Utopian construct that provides lousy medical services wherever it’s been tried.

Of course this won’t stop the ideology-Left minded Democrats from trying to force universal health care down Americans throats just the same.

Obama wanted to sneak this legislation by before the August recess. But, Americans are not giving in to a failed ideology without a fight.

Don’t tread on us, Mr. President!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 8/12/09

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