I wanted to check out this new movement in SB and in order to do that covertly, I had to dress like a neo-con..I put on plaid shorts, black socks, loafers and a golf polo and a white hood..I fit right in! The panel was made up of white folks and so was the crowd..I heard that at least 200 seniors were bussed in by Wendy McCuckoo from Simi Valley to bolster support for the anti - Hussein Obama crowd...I walked in and took a seat..I smelled something funny immediately and looked around and there's an old lady sitting next to me..PEEYOU!! If it wasn't for all the drugs your doctor has been feeding you that I'm paying for, you'd be dead now madame..she sure smelled ripe! So, I moved to another seat and smelled something funny again! There's this old guy sitting next to me with dribble down his chin and wild red eyes! "You ok? pal"..I asked...he looked at me, farted and fell asleep..gee, I gotta move again...
well..these two old comedians I've marked with an X as a future warning to you...
so health care reform needs to be simplified...somebody needs to run it better and I don't care who does it..gov't or private sector..just do it better...and stop using the forums as anti-Obama/Capps rallies, it's pretty obvious what you clowns are up to...if you don't like Capps, recall her or vote her out! I got no problem with that...
Pretty Blonde Death Panel Mistress
damn, what is with these women!!
Betsy McCaughey Resigns After Humiliating Herself In Jon Stewart’s Show
damn, what is with these women!!
Betsy McCaughey Resigns After Humiliating Herself In Jon Stewart’s Show
and to those stinky old folks at these forums, there's a death panel waiting for you in the Fiesta Room..you may proceed..TO DIE!!
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