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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

thank god I'm a country boy..

the Santa Barbara Hillbillies...

Clark sure looks like a big dumb country boy..He kept wandering slowly around the Club like he was looking for hay to bale..when he talked, it was an Indiana drawl...he just kept wandering around, looking at his shoes...
ok, so now my Australian galpal and I enter the room and I sit down in the back..she stands and talks a little more, I could sense her growing impatience with me... then she ditches me for the front room and some younger guys! So there I am, sitting all alone, taking pictures when two young women sit next to me..I start cracking some cheap jokes to loosen them up a bit, they laugh, and the blonde starts lifting up her skirt showing me her legs!! Who am I, Brad Pitt? geez ladies, how about a little dinner first??
Ok.. so the thing starts..Clark ambles up to the podium, looks over at me with a wondering glare and starts a long rambling sermon about leaders and values..and what a scumbag Lois Capps is because she didn't come to his forum..then a bunch of old folks sitting front of me erupt in applause and cheers..I had a feeling that I was in the Black Hills of Kentucky in an old farmhouse with Clark's kinfolk! Then I saw Justin walking around like a zombie with his mommy following him, telling him what to do...mind yer Ma, Justin!! These boys take their cues from the manic screaming street preachers...the bible belt has come to Santa Barbara! Hey, there's Joe Gehl from KEYT..but where's Coleen, Joe?I got something I'd like to show her...
ok..holding a forum at the University Club was a safe bet because you preach to the choir..there were a few dissenting voices in the small noisy crowd, but this was a promo gig for Clark and his, a fundraiser...the guy is 29 years old, parrots Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, tries to tell the audience he's non-partisan..I mean, why lie when you can tell the truth?? There's nothing wrong with being a rightwing Christian zealot..nothing to be embarrassed about..but don't try to tell people you're something else....
so that was the tone of the evening, pretty much a scam, with two cops at the back of the room to control the excitable boys and girls...this was a private event on private property put on by an anti-gov't group who used city/gov't cops to keep order.... think you got what it takes to join the University Club??
hey..let's everybody go a'swimmin' in the Cee-ment pond!!!...

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