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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Petticoat Junction...

oh the pettiness...

appears that Travis and Wendy and Nipper have their petticoats in a twist over a flag...the editorial in Wednesday's paper complained that there wasn't an American flag on the City Hall balcony for Fiesta! old Spanish days...duh!
When you run out of things to throw at City Hall, try challenging their patrioism! The last refuge of a scoundrel is false patriotism..FOX NEWS does it all the time...and the NewsPress is just as lowdown...I mean, there's a huge flag pole in De La Guerra Plaza, one atop the NewsPress building....and there's plenty of wankers walking around with American Flag pins on their's like if they don't wear one, they won't remember they are Americans..or how about the American Flag decals on Toyotas! I drive a Chevy..I don't need no stinkin' decal....

Dale Francisco, a fiscal conservative mayoral candidate, is $15000 in the hole acccording to his committee statement..those city benefits are starting to look mighty good, eh, Dale?
I've always wondered what a person looked like when they sell their soul to the devil..Rupert Murdoch!
Wendy, Nipper, Rupert and Travis Twit: why don't you get out of your cells, try to enjoy Fiesta and quit worrying about such silly stuff..geez, what a bunch of knuckleheads!

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