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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

uptown girls....

and backstreet boys...

my first question of the day was to the University Club, so I called them up: some guy answered in a hurried harried voice "Hello???" he I says: "is there a dress code for the forum tonight?"...he says "there is no dress code for this event".. ok...cleared for take off.... I get ready for tonight, Monday to you...haircut, proper clothes, clean-shaven, hey, I look damn respectable for once! All I need is a bible and I could be a Jehovah's Witness! Since we last talked about Clark Vandeventer, he's put up some quickie websites (under construction) but never forgets to include a prominent donation icon! Clark, why don't you just ask Rupert Murdoch if you can suck his dick like Glenn Beck does, and you'll make $10 million a year!
So I load the cameras in the truck and go to the forum at the University Club in parallel Santa's tough work carrying around two little digital cameras! I get into SB around 6:00 pm...I spot the Club, walk thru the parking lot and enter through the back door..but need to be a member to enter here.. I peer inside..a bunch of young blonde muffins walking around!
the door guy, a handsome young feller points me to the front door.. "it's around there"..he says, pointing to the's the non-member I cut thru the garden and head for the front..I notice a couple of cops and a handful of people there..the doors are closed! said the doors would open at 6:00 pm sharp!! You lied!! not his first one for tonight...
I'm sitting on the steps of the University Club waiting as the sun was going down... then I walk around and see a bunch of babes exercising in the I take a picture..then I go back to the steps and sit down..then a young woman who was standing by the front door, comes over and starts talking to me in a cute accent..she's from Australia..we start talking about health care, the goofballs at the News-Press...and tonight's speakers..she said she wondered who they were..I told her they are two local yokels and she shouldn't be taking medical advice from them..I mean if Joe can't figure out that it's dangerous to one's health to get drunk and drive, then WTF could he possibly say about healthcare reform!
So we made some more small talk, mate...I started thinking to myself...well..I started measuring the possibilities of a wild romance with her if only for a brief moment in time..a younger girl keeps a rolling cross my mind...she was smart, articulate and curious....just what I needed!
I told her I was taking pictures for this blog..she asked the name of it..I told her and warned her that it's full of Juvenalian satire with a little Menippean and Horatian thrown in for good measure..some folks have even taken offense to it! She laughed and said she would stay away from it..then the front doors opened and we went in...
to be continued....

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