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Saturday, August 22, 2009

If the spirit moves you...

religious cults in Santa Barbara and Carpinteria...
The Calvary Church and Reality....

I've seen them, out in hordes..individuality gone, a blank look in their eyes, not happy or unhappy, just blank...they have two big buildings in SB and Carp..the money's coming in..they have ties to televangelists..the bible belt trailer park circuit..and they are spreading...I can't access the Reality Carp site because it is down, but the Calvary Site is pretty odd: Two thousand years ago a Carpenter from Galilee went about His Father's business doing the supernatural everywhere He went, but for Him, it was natural. In this series, we are going to learn to operate in the marketplace in the same way that Jesus did. As believers we have received a higher calling than just a regular worker in the workplace. We have been given supernatural authority and power to invade the workplace with the love of Jesus and transform that culture. We invite you to join us for 8 dynamic teachings that will give you the tools you need to live supernaturally in your workplace. geezus.. what a bunch of bullshit!!
I've worked with a few religious guys in my time: one was a staunch anti-abortionist, handed out bibles at work, was from Poland and a really nice guy, but over the top religious..possessed! The other guy was a weird little dude who would chant and pray whenever things went wrong at work... he didn't last very long..sometimes you gotta step up your game and fix things that break instead of waiting for God to do it....
The Calvary Chapel has a guy named Ricky Ryan who preaches to the flock...I've seen him around a few times and he reminds me of Dog, the Bounty Hunter, without the mullet...he's friends with another televangelist Greg Laurie...and I'm telling you, these guys spell bad cess from Gaviota to Ventura!!
Spiritual seekers these folks are not..they want control and money..PERIOD! and they have it among a certain group of people whose interpretation of the bible is based on fear and ignorance...I got no issue with these folks until they try to spread their ignorance to mainstreet..then we got a problem...I see God in Nature and in a nice pair of tits..that's all I need to know...what I don't need is a bunch of slick con artists selling religion in town a la Elmer Gantry...
you boys are on my radar....

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