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Thursday, August 13, 2009

TLT Celebrates 200th Post: The Message Is Getting Through

“I believe that Barack Obama’s greatest legacy as president will be that he inspired a new generation of conservatives to rise up and defend our liberty.”

Ted Cruz, Texas' former Solicitor General and Tea Party Protestor

I like to take this opportunity to thank our readers for your support and feedback both positive and negative. I consider TLT a small voice in the wilderness of misinformation that is dispatched by the Main Stream Media that has chosen to forgo its responsibility to the public for providing objective news coverage.

They have become propagandists for the government which is why circulation of their daily newspapers are down and ratings of TV networks like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC continue to drop to new lows.

The American people are not only voting with their feet, but also with their wallets and TV clickers as well.

Somebody recently asked me why I hate Barack Obama so much?

This is typical of the Leftist mindset. I don’t hate the president at all. And like that famous line from the Godfather, “It’s not personal, it’s strictly business.” And the business of TLT is to provide the voice of the loyal opposition to the policies of this administration.

America is a Republic, not a kingdom.

We elect a president to serve the people, not a king to rule over them.

Unfortunately, there are millions of people in this country that don’t even understand that principle which is more an indictment of our failing public schools system than the people themselves.

Government of the people, for the people, and by the people is set forth in the Constitution which makes America unlike any country in the history of the world.

But, President Obama believes in big, intrusive, centralized government that restricts personal freedom. He believes government knows what’s best for the people instead of the other way around.

Regrettably, the main stream media successfully hid these characteristics during the presidential campaign causing millions of people to vote for an undercover Socialist.

But, after eight months those people who voted for the president are feeling hoodwinked--which is why they’re rising up to stop Universal Healthcare.

I tried to warn you!

Nevertheless, all is not lost. Barack Obama is the best thing to happen to the Conservative cause since Jimmy Carter.

Just watch and learn.

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