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Sunday, August 2, 2009


Open letter to Santa Barbara City Council and mayoral candidates..

Dear Candidates,
WTF is going on with some of you?? where are all the sober, responsible adults?? Is there anything else we the people are going to find out via KEYT or EdHAT? any more skeletons in the closet? ok, some of you have drinking problems and temper control issues..are you dealing with these defects? Any more surprises or just more excuses and absurd rationalizations..
Are you seeing anyone to explore some of these aberrant behaviors? Are you channeling these impulses for the common good? or will you drive your car into a ditch and then MAKE THE TAXPAYERS CLEAN UP AFTER YOU??? and go talk about your wonderful drunk experiences on AM 1290 punkass News-Press radio with Travis 0.23!
you know, it's ok to go out to dinner but you don't have to drink alcohol..even a glass of wine can impair you, altho some may try to tell you have to know your limitations! If you're going to have wine with dinner, don't drive..that is real simple. Better yet, a nice Sprite goes well with any of your fish or lighter meat dishes! Sprite with a slice of lime..very refreshing and she'll think nothing less of you unless she too is an alco-fucking-holic!! No more excuses! Clean up your acts!!

When you sit on the dais,
you are not there to dictate or control the right of the public to speak...if a member of the public is upsetting you by his words but not causing a ruckus, don't try to shout him's a violation of free speech. Your job is to listen to the public..if you can't, you have no business on the city council! Read the Brown Act and case studies...
Politics is a tough game..always has been...Tammany Hall ring a bell? the Tammany tiger?? You got it easy in Santa Barbara but you're biggest enemy is yourself!! or Mikeself!! ha ha!
With the latest shameful behavior exhibited, some of you could not get hired by the City of Santa Barbara..they'd take one look at your record and pass..why should the voting standards be lower?
Dale Francisco's de facto campaign manager,Travis Armstrong
Olivia Uribe
John Thyne..cited twice!
Janet Wolf's campaign manager, Whatshissname
Joe Armendariz, Carp City councilman
Joe Centeno's assistant, Gil Armijo
as of right now, you are ALL on all have an equal amount of rope, what you do with it is up to's all up to you

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