Dr. Laura..nobody messes with free speech...FREE SPEECH!!! a basic American Right...you need to learn the difference between insulting and defaming...for example, an insult would be: Dr. Laura, you are a douche bag's douche bag!
a defaming statement would be: Dr. Laura has sex with dogs!
says Laura: This idiocy is in response to the punishment meted out to Avery Doninger, a 17 year old high-schooler who was disciplined in 2007 for writing a blog from home using vulgar language to defame and insult school administrators. STOP: so she called her teacher a douchebag, so what.. what Avery does at home is none of the school's concern.. if she insults school administrators, they probably deserve it...they abuse their power all the time in the name of education..
The girl’s mother "wished her daughter ‘had used more sophisticated language.’" Instead of
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