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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Q & A With Cherry Jones (President Taylor) - 2/12/09

“24″ president inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt

by Kevin D. Thompson February 12th, 2009

Don't call Cherry Jones' President Allison Taylor a Hilary Clinton knock-off

I spoke with the president today.
No, not Obama. The other one. Who?

Why, Madame President Allison Taylor, the tough-as-Kevlar leader of the free world on 24.

OK, actually, I was on a conference call this afternoon with Cherry Jones, the Tony-winning actress who could very well earn an Emmy nomination later this year for her fine work on TV’s greatest thrill ride.

Madame president, er, I mean, Jones, chatted for about 25 minutes with a bunch of TV writers and talked about everything from working with Kiefer Sutherland to why her commander-in-chief isn’t a small screen version of Hilary Clinton.

On whether President Taylor will stay flawed:“I’m as flawed as the next little president. You’ll see I have plenty of flaws, both domestic and international.”

On working with Kiefer Sutherland:“I had been told by my dear friend (actress) Jayne Atkinson that whenever Kiefer’s on the set, there’s a whole other temperature – it’s part of the reason why he’s kept (24) so taut and intense. He’s completely focused. On that stage, he’s intensity personified.”

On research she did to play a president:“I always loved reading biographies. I read a lot about Eleanor Roosevelt. I was always fascinated by her. And I thought of (former Israeli Prime Minister) Golda Meir. I threw in a smattering of John Wayne just to get through the scene.”

On what’s like playing a commander-in-chief:“When I first walked on to the set, there was a kind of deferential treatment simply because I was playing the president. Good actors will defer to someone who has the position of power. Everyone in the cast gives me the power I need.”

On what she knew about 24:“When I found out I had a meeting (with the producers) I rented the first season and saw two episodes. I fell in love with Jack Bauer. I grew up on a Man From U.N.C.L.E and Mission: Impossible….I have a proclivity for espionage.”

On TV versus theatre:“On stage, you know the beginning, middle and end. You can create the arc because you know who you are and what you have to accomplish. On 24, I don’t completely know who she is. I just have to take what I’m given in the moment. I’m carving out a character each and every episode. I’m going with the belief that she is someone who really has great moral authority.”

On why she want her president to be older:“I wanted her to show a life that has been difficult (so you could) see this massive grief on her face. She just lost a grown child and has had no time to mourn that child. She’s emotionally compromised when Day 7 begins. I wanted her to look tired from the top. I didn’t want to look like a Hollywood person playing the president. I wanted her to look like s—t. She’s exhausted.”

On why President Taylor isn’t Hilary Clinton:“In the first place, she’s battling depression. She’s in an emotionally compromised place. I don’t see Hilary invading Dafour. I just don’t. It’s a very bold move the writers have made. I’m an idealistic person and I love that she’s taken a stand. Whether it’s the wisest thing to do, I don’t know, but I admire her for doing it.”

On if Taylor’s a Republican:“I’ve been quoted as saying my hair’s Republican. I’m not sure. They jury’s still out.”

On why she wanted her character to be honorable:“Not that I wouldn’t want to play an evil, wicked bad president. But it was important to me that she be written as a human being.”


Source: TV Talk / Palm Beach

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