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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Interesting Tidbit About Episode 8...

The 2-minute recap tonight revisited Jack's season-making line of last week, "With all due respect, ...ask around." Cherry Jones, who plays Madame President herself, Allison Taylor, was on the local Fox 5 Morning News last week and mentioned the line was originally scripted as something like, "With all due respect, Madame President, my loyalties...yada yada American yada...," but Kiefer Sutherland came up with the "ask around" part on the spot, which brought a spontaneous cheer from the crew once "Cut" was yelled. She called it a "Kiefer keeper."

This whole season so far has been a Kiefer keeper, and if they can keep it up, I say screw the big-screen movie. Go for season 9, 10, and more.

Source: Innocent Bystander

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