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Friday, February 13, 2009

the importance of being Ernie..

every saint has a past and every sinner has a future...

You gotta watch the Ernie Salomon Show...last night he had Helene Schneider on. Helene is running for mayor against Iya Falcone, who was on last week..Ernie was hopped up about the economy and they discussed the current situation in Santa Barbara...Ernie grilled Helene on the budget and she just giggled and humored him...Ernie tried to pin the blame on the SEIU union that represents city workers...saying they're all corrupt.. esp the Los Angeles chapter...actually, they are not all corrupt, that is right wing hyperbole at work..when in doubt, blame the, the working class...then he said no one can figure out what's going on at City Hall... that's when I started to get pissed off!
so using one of my many pseudonyms, I called in and told Ernie to back up what he said about the local SEIU..about corruption here..
he immediately became defensive: I didn't say anything bad about them....if you inferred that, that's your problem..then I do you feel about the local union..he says: I have no feeling one way or another, I don't know anything about them..then I said: well, all you have to do is walk over to city hall and ask questions instead of making up things! I said if you want gov't services, you need to pay for them..then he says..but there's no money!

I said: Of course there's money! CHINA will bail us out..America, too...just a joke..but in reality employees are getting paychecks, not IOUs...and the city has a number of means to stabilize the funds pie...then I said the major problem with California is Governor Schwarzenegger, who was making deals in Beverly Hills with Enron while they were stealing money from California in the phony energy crisis a few years back...private industry greed and mismanagement has put us in this pickle...then he said Arnold was the worst governor California has ever had! Well, we agree on something..then they hung up on me! Helene just sat there looking cute and time the city finance director will be Ernie's guest...
I'll be waiting....

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