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Friday, February 20, 2009

Lick My Decals Off, Baby...

what is this world coming to? Some Muslim guy cut his wife's head off for divorcing him....why didn't Craig McCaw think of that!!

a chimp named Travis, high on psychotropic drugs, attacks a woman and rips her face and hands off! He was later killed..
However, when Travis was not high, he was a pretty nice monkey, so it he is seen mellowing out with his girlfriend...his very sick girlfriend...Travis the ape has a nephew, Travis Armstrong, who "edits" for the Santa Barbara News-Press..we tried to contact SB Travis about his uncle's odd behavior and ultimate demise, but he wouldn't return our calls..
Republican Abel Maldonado holds up the budget process so he can have open elections..the Democrats said:
ok Abel, whatever!
SO.. he gets open elections...but it was the Republicans who told Independents in the last election they couldn't vote in the Republican primary!
Cherie Rey over at the Daily Sound..geez WTF is wrong with that paper?? Randy Alcorn, Gina Perry and now Cherie Rey..Cherie writes a column complaining about the poor service she got from the city of Santa Barbara while she was trying to figure out stimulus details..."I made the mistake of calling the City Administrator’s office during lunchtime; my initial call was answered by voicemail, the second, a half-hour later, by a representative in the Mayor’s office. Thinking I’d hit pay-dirt, I launched into my line of inquiry to gain insight into how the stimulus projects were selected and prioritized; the issue of how many jobs might be created by them; and how local citizens might be able to learn more in order to vote responsibly on the national website about proposed projects.
The representative in the Mayor’s office archly asserted she knew nothing about this stimulus issue or local projects under consideration, and that I was the only person who had inquired about it. She offered that since it’s not a City website, StimulusWatch is not an "endorsed" website; I should just contact each City department head on my own to find out information about job creation; and any questions had to be put in writing and would be forwarded to the proper authority."
The city gets a number of callers who are certifiably insane..they call all the time, ask the same questions, talk about flying saucers, complain about every little thing under the sun, and then blame it all on the city government...maybe Cherie's on the list...the problem with many of these folks is they need their hands held..they think authorities have the answers to all their concerns..well, they don't, I'm sure...the city of Santa Barbara is not a restaurant where you can go in, place an order, get a sandwich or send the soup back if it's too cold!!
If you call any city with a question, do some research... make sure you go to the right person, make sure the questions aren't general and vague..and before you call, send an email and usually you'll get an answer least in Carp that's true...customer service is front and center, we don't have as many crazy people...
Now, if I get my chef's knife out and cut off Cherie, Gina, Randy and Wendy's heads, would they even notice??

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