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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Factory Girl...

lemme go catatonic on you.....

I was right..that was Gina Perry at the city council meeting on Tuesday night..vampy, dressed in black with big pouty lips and scabies-free...I swear I could transform her back into a good girl again, so I'm gonna try to court her right her on my blog and we'll see what happens..Don't worry Gina, I've been arrested for stalking only once and I've learned my lesson... and I love elephants!
GP mentions elephants in her latest Daily Sound column about the De La Vina Wye...even suggesting that bicyclists should be barred from riding on the streets!
says Gina
An adult who allowed a toddler to play with an elephant would be considered unreasonable (on a good day) by most community standards. Adults who choose to dance with elephants must be aware – at some level I would think - of the perilous position in which they place their lives.
To be honest, calm is the last adjective I’d use to describe my emotions when I have to change lanes during rush hour to avoid hitting a bicyclist who is taking up half of my lane.
Persons who ride bicycles on heavily traveled roadways impede intended traffic flow, cause congestion, and are a danger to themselves and others.
Instead, the City should require bicyclists riding within city limits to travel alternate routes during heavy traffic hours and/or avoid heavily traveled roadways altogether unless absolutely necessary.
Actually, people who can't control their emotions behind the wheel should have their licenses revoked...don't take your frustrations out on bikes..the average weight of a car is 3000 lbs vs 30 lbs for a the thing to do is watch out for bicyclists since you have the physical it's the LAW!
and don't forget, when you're on your bike at night, dodging the come and go of the headlights and taillights, always wear white!

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