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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Animal Farm...

walkin' the dog....

I've already told you how I feel about pampering your pets..treating your pets like humans, assigning human traits to them, overdoing it..well, apparently I haven't been heard. One couple had their dead dogs fur removed and made into sweaters so they could be near them!
Dr. Laura has a new YouTube video that introduces us to her poodle, Bebe..yes, that one. It's a black dog..obviously a sublimation for her innermost desire to have sex with a black she transfers those feeling to her poor poodle...does this dog look happy?? Trust me I know what I'm talking about...from Perls to Maslow, Freud, Jung, Abbott and Costello..I know how the mind works..or doesn't work in these cases...I need to expose this stuff otherwise domesticated neurotic dogs may take over the long as there are cats and coyotes, this probably will never happen..but you dog oriented people are really starting to annoy me with your off-leash parks, pet super stores, pocket dogs, and numerous other violations of nature... yeah..did you know that salt is a natural anti-depressant? Eating potato chips supposedly makes you feel happier, more chipper! So the next time you're down and looking down from high atop Cold Spring a big bag of Lays potato chips..and get back in the game!
I got a catalog in the mail: DOCTORS FOSTER and SMITH..Quality Products for Dogs and Cats..I browsed thru it..mostly its about dogs..they had one cat product..cats don't really need much..they are wired to be self-sufficient..dogs, however, need a host of things: vitamins, stress-relieving herb supplements, anti-depressants, piddle pads, specially cured beef and lamb treats, mouthwash, eye and ear care...we treat dogs with more care than homeless people, war vets and mentally ill! Dogs aren't children or children substitutes, they are dogs..they are best when not couped up, when not doing tricks, when they are useful, and when they are an appropriate, healthy part of your life.
If you can't treat your dogs better, then I will go around and collect them, and give them to the local Thai restaurant for their proper care...

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