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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Not to Wear...

"we live not according to reason, but according to fashion"

Sara at Blogaboobiebra has been obsessing over Iya Falcone's press conference and whether or not any cop endorsing her was in uniform..she won't let up! She says the issue is what people might think if a uniformed offficer was present..she's worried about the perception. Sara, who cares? YOU should concern yourself with what Iya was wearing..the woman needs a make-over..a new wardrobe, a new hairstyle...I suggest you book her on the show "What Not to Wear" and let Stacy and Clinton straighten her out!
You can't control what people think or perceive...but you can help our public servants be more fashion-conscious!

says Sara:
One Crisp Blue Shirt and a Shiny Badge
obsession #1

I did happen to see the News-Press photo of the Falcone press conference late today....I would post a link but they are not available via the News-Press website. The picture clearly shows a man who very much looks to be in uniform. My efforts yesterday to point out that an SBPOA member at the event would not likely have a City of Santa Barbara patch and probably wear an alternate, SBPOA badge are still relevant and we now have visual proof.
obsession #2
I haven't seen that The Santa Barbara Independent has posted an article about the press conference. On Noozhawk, the picture unfortunately just barely crops out the man in the crisp blue shirt with a shiny badge. KEYT had a story on the press conference and had a clear view zoomed in on the crisp blue shirt in question.
obsession #3
My comments regarding the perception of whether a uniformed officer was present or not stands. Really, the issue isn't about SBPOA support for Falcone -- they have every right to do so and considering the filing period hasn't even ended, Falcone has landed a major coup. My congratulations to her stands as well.
obsession #4
The issue is about whether people might think a uniformed officer was present...the gentleman clearly pictured in the crisp blue shirt did not have a City of Santa Barbara Police Department patch but he did have a badge on.
Badges? We ain’t go no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges.

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