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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Waste Not..Want Not..

no trash talkin' smeary venomous ad hominems today folks!

ok, now that I've exposed the SBCTA (hey..what happened to their website SBCTA ??) for what they are..a bunch of damn hillbillies..I need to expose the real problems in the city of Santa Barbara. There is nothing wrong with paying employees who work the essential services, that's what Public Works is all all about..where the city has lost its way is the green jobs created...Creeks Supervisor for example makes $90,000/year to wage a war against invasive him/her immediately and let the Parks Dept take care of creek maintenance..all that's needed is a quarterly or semi-annual cleaning.. otherwise, leave the plants alone.
Storm don't need a separate treatment scheme...putting screens or cages on the drains encourages flooding and back-up...instead, go back and do what the city used to do..clean the beaches with a tractor! I used to sit out in the morning sun at East Beach with a cup of 7/11 and watch the tractor go by, dragging a rototiller..afterwards the beach looked great! Simple! Fine people for littering..$1000...

and now for the first or second time on an advertisement!
Get the new Flip Mino! a little camcorder that looks like a washing machine.....why pay $89 for a digital camera that can do the same thing when you can buy a FlipMino that does less? only $178 at get!!

now, back to the Naked City..Managers..go thru the city depts and get rid of overlapping management...three or four supervisors per dept is too many! Get lean and mean! Non-essential services like dog-walker should be stopped! This ain't Mayberry!! Stop all projects that threaten the city's history..De La Guerra Plaza doesn't need anything but a few benches! Stop harassing the homeless..they don't bother me at all! Freedom isn't pretty sometimes..
Now, the council needs to stop all this political ping pong and get to work..get back to basics, show some leadership and individuality...oh wait a minute, this is the political season..keep up the theater then..I'm rather enjoying myself!

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