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Friday, March 27, 2009

a fish called Wendy....

Quarantine Republicans...

This spring and summer, which look to be a good ones, need to be protected. The birdies are out singing, the flowers are blooming, the air is filled with a lemony fennel's just lovely! So what or who could possibly poison such an idyllic setting? HYPER-CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS..the irrelevant political party. They've gotten so many things wrong in the past 8 years, they have been reduced to the playpen, occasionally shouting and crying about liberal agendas destroying America..I am not going to waste my time changing their diapers! A quarantine would isolate them for a while, like a leper colony..we could ask the Chumash to buy some big boats and take the conservatives to the Channel Islands for the pull out native plants!

My brilliant idea was hatched after reading the latest from Gina Perry at the Daily Sound and Wendy McCaw's News-Press. First Gina: she thinks that grades K-6 are being dumbed down to teach Mexican kids English! But really, how do you "dumb-down" a 2nd grader?? I can see the Daily Sound being dumbed down by adding Gina as a columnist, that's obvious. But a 2nd grader? They don't know anything yet!!
and Wendy's claim that UCSB students should not be allowed to vote because Steve Pappas lost the 3rd District election to Doreen Farr! Two wealthy rightwing newspaper owners, Wendy McCaw and Nancy "Fats" Crawford-Hall don't want students to vote! What kind of fascist agenda do these two pudgey bitches have..anyway?? The real issue is when rich people attempt to buy an election and then lose, they blame and sue! Add Steve Pappas to the list of News-Press sock puppets who can't get power the honest way! Dimwits...
Republicans..your island paradise awaits!

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