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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Episode 11 Overview & Comments

Episode Quote:
Jack: "I'm drivng off a cliff here Tony. I don't need to put Bill in the passenger seat."

6:00 pm – 6:15 pm

Dubaku is still being tended to in the ICU. One of the nurses takes a phone call while an orderly takes out a syringe and injects it into Dubaku’s IV. Dubaku goes into cardiac arrest. The FBI guy in ICU makes a call to get Agent Walker to come to the ICU.

We switch to the White House where the President is watching coverage on the news about the US troops encountering little resistance while liberating Sangala from Juma’s army. They play an address from Juma declaring victory. It is believed by Admiral Smith that the recording was made sometime before the US invasion. Some intelligence sources believe Juma has left the country. The President stresses how important it is for Juma to be captured and tried for his crimes against humanity. The President demands that Admiral Smith find Juma.

Juma is shown looking out over Washington D.C. He says it’s almost time and asks if the men are ready. The young man talking to Juma asks where his father is (Dubaku). Juma says he will be there soon.

Comment: I noticed the music here was the same as in ’24: Redemption.’

Back at the hospital, they are still working on reviving Dubaku. The orderly who killed him calls Juma. He lets Juma know Dubaku has been taken care of. Juma says Dubaku’s son should never know about this and his father’s “cowardice.” After the orderly leaves, Agent Walker comes in. The doctor calls Dubaku’s death.

At the FBI, Larry Moss is talking to the staff about the corruption that has been found. Chloe is still in the conference room working on the list they got from Dubaku. Chloe gets a call from Jack. Jack is riding in a car with Tony. He tells Chloe that Juma is planning another attack. Chloe says they are being told there it’s over but Jack says that’s wrong. Jack wants Chloe to delete Ryan Burnett’s name on the list. Jack says his name has to be removed because he’ll “lawyer up” and they won’t get the information on time. Jack informs Chloe that Burnett is with the Senator who has a meeting with the President at the White House. Jack says he’ll be debriefed by Bill and take care of Burnett there. Chloe pulls up Burnett’s name. She sees Janice heading to the conference room so Chloe hits the delete button and deletes Burnett’s name from the computer.

Janice asks Chloe if there’s anything else she can do to help and suggests it would be quicker to send the subsets to her workstation one by one…she leaves and Chloe looks annoyed.

Comment: No one can come up with great facial expressions like Chloe can.

Tony stops the car to drop Jack off. Tony thinks Jack should reconsider taking Bill into his confidence since he’s been in on this operation from the beginning.

Jack says he doesn’t know what it’s going to take to get Burnett to talk and if he has to use extreme measures he doesn’t want to put Bill in the “passenger’s seat.” Tony says he’ll go with him. Jack reminds Tony he’s a wanted felon; he wouldn’t get past the first check point. Jack says with many of the agencies have been compromised, so it might be up to him to stop the attack. Jack gets out of the car to go to the White House.

Burnett calls Juma to ask if he can adjust his strike window, that he may be stuck there longer than he thought. He sees Ethan coming down the hall and hangs up. He shows Ethan to the office where Senator Mayer is. Ethan notices the Senator has “already found the bar” and asks if he could join him.

Comment: I liked Ethan’s comment: “If it ain’t from Kentucky, you can’t call it bourbon.” Being a Kentuckian, it was fun to hear my state mentioned.

Senator Mayer says he’s up to speed on the last few hours from the briefing book he just read. He wants to know what all of this has to do with Jack Bauer. Ethan says without Jack Bauer, they would not have uncovered the conspiracy in the first place nor the people behind it. Mayer says it looks bad to be colluding with a rogue operative from a disbanded agency. Ethan reminds Mayer that Jack Bauer saved lives today including the President’s husband. Ethan recognizes that this is not easy for him since he has gone after detainee abuse and human rights violations. Senator Mayer asks Ethan if he seriously wants him to look the other way on this. He says he’s been after Jack for years, that he’s a thug. Ethan says the President is prepared to reverse policy and support the Senator’s amendment to war crimes act. The Senator asks in exchange for what. Ethan replies he should declare a recess until after the holidays and then quietly let Jack’s subpoena expire.

The Senator asks what will happen if he refuses to go along. Ethan explains that the President is prepared to use “Executive Privilege”. The Senator asks if that means a pardon; Ethan says she wouldn’t rule it out. The Senator tells Ethan that if that’s how the President wants to play it, she just walked into a “street fight.”

Jack walks into one of the offices in the White House where Bill is. Jack assaults the Marine in the room and takes his gun. He points the gun at Bill and demands to know where Burnett is. Bill doesn’t want to tell Jack anything until he knows what’s going on. Jack tells Bill that Tony got information from one of his contacts that there will be a 2nd attack by Juma’s operatives within the hour. Burnett has been supporting them all along and knows where the attack will take place. Jack wants to know from Bill where Burnett is or he will find him by himself.

Bill says he can’t. Jack then tells Bill to put his hands behind his back. Jack handcuffs Bill and goes to his computer to find where Burnett is. Bill tells Jack that he intervened on his behalf with the President to get Senator Mayer to stop the hearings. Bill says that he will get his life back but if he does this, he’s throwing it all away. Jack says he wishes there were another way but there’s not.

Comment: When they show the list of names on the computer, the name right under Ryan Burnett is Guy Skinner. Guy is the lead camera operator for ‘24’. He’s been with the show since Season 1. Just a little trivia for you.

Bill tells Jack he doesn’t have to do this alone. Jack says he does; it’s the only way he can be sure to keep Bill out of this.

Jack tells Bill he’s sorry and then puts the Jack sleeper hold on him. Say goodnight Bill. As Jack says: “Don’t fight it.” Jack grabs a taser gun off the still knocked out Marine and leaves the room.

Comment: I realize Jack did this to protect Bill from any legal fallout from him interrogating Burnett, but it was still surprising to see Jack pull a gun on Bill. Bill is also now in the “Jack Sleeper Hold” club.

6:19 pm – 6:24 pm

Renee calls Larry to let him know Dubaku’s dead. She doesn’t believe that he died of coronary like the hospital says. She says the 9th person that was in the ICU, an orderly was not recognized by anyone. Larry asks Renee if she thinks Dubaku was murdered. Renee says all she knows is that there was an unidentified man there just before Dubaku went into cardiac arrest. Renee wonders if Dubaku knew something and he was killed to shut him up. Larry asks if that was Jack’s theory too. Renee snaps at Larry and says Jack is not even there and she resents the implication that she’s not the one calling the shots. This was her investigation from the beginning, not Jack’s. Larry says he wasn’t implying anything. Larry wants her to come back to the FBI to help process all the upcoming arrests.

A hospital security person shows Renee a picture of the orderly and the license plate on his car in the parking lot. Renee calls her DMV contact.

Meanwhile at the FBI, Janice comes into where Chloe is working and tells her she came across an orphaned header fragment. She tells Chloe to take a look at it. Chloe says it’s probably just a phantom data string. Janice says it isn’t and it looks like a name was deleted from the list. Chloe wants to continue working on it and will let her know if she retrieves anything. Janice leaves and Chloe immediately calls Jack. She asks if he’s gotten to Burnett yet. She says they have figured out one of the names have been deleted and they will figure out it was Burnett soon. Jack says he’ll get back to her.

Burnett comes in to see the Senator. Senator Mayer wants to have an interview with Howser at the Post. Mayer wants to make pardoning Jack Bauer as politically toxic for the President as possible. He says the President is in a highly emotional state; her husband’s been shot. Burnett asks if her judgment is impaired. Mayer says a case can be made. An aide comes in to tell Mayer that the President is ready to see him now.

After the Senator leaves, Burnett calls Juma. He tells Juma he’s leaving now. Meanwhile, Jack comes into the office where Burnett is. Jack takes out the taser and says: “You and I… (shoots Burnett with the taser) …we’re gonna have a talk.”

Comment: I love these great lines the writers come up with for Jack. Classic.

6:28 pm – 6:38 pm

Janice comes to Larry’s office. She says she needs Larry to listen to something. She starts going on about how she’s supposed to be this “whiz-bang” computer analyst and that was what tipped her off… Larry interrupts to ask who she is talking about. Janice says she’s talking about Chloe O’Brien. Janice tells Larry she’s checked her work and there is evidence of file tampering and she’s been scrambling all her outgoing calls. She plays a phone conversation they were able to retrieve via a work around and plays it for Larry. It was of Chloe’s last conversation with Jack. They hear that Burnett’s name was deleted. Larry orders Chloe detained. Chloe is taken out of the conference room. Larry calls the White House.

Senator Mayer is now meeting with the President. He reminds her that she supported the ban on the use of torture that she campaigned to reform the intelligence agencies. The President says that the past 10 hours have not been as black and white as they once did. The Senator says there is nothing gray about Jack Bauer; that he has committed atrocities and prisoners have died in his custody. The President replies that Jack has served under three Presidents, not just herself.

All the President wants the Senator to do is excuse Jack as a witness. It’s not a message, it’s just an expression of gratitude for all he has done today. The Senator does not like the idea because he believes if she pardons Jack Bauer, she’s telling every interrogator in the field that it’s “open season” again.

Comment: I thought that was a reasonable offer from the President. She doesn’t condone everything Jack has done, but she recognizes all the good things he has done for the country and that he should get some gratitude for that. Of course, the Senator still want to go after Jack.

Their meeting is interrupted by an urgent call from Larry Moss at the FBI. Larry informs the President that he believes Jack Bauer is carrying out an off-book interrogation of Ryan Burnett, the Senator’s Chief of Staff.

Back to Jack’s interrogation. Jack pulls the trigger on the taser gun again sending massive voltage through Burnett. Jack tells Burnett: “I can the trigger 128 more times before the battery dies.” Burnett still claims he doesn’t know anything about an attack. Jack hits him again. Burnett still won’t talk. Jack explains when he removes the cartridge from the gun, it activates the drive stun mode; increasing the voltage 40 x when directly administered. Jack tells Burnett that if he tells him what the target is, this will all be over. Burnett still denies he knows anything. Jack directly places the taser on his leg and pulls the trigger.

Jack gets right in his face and explains he’s been doing this a long time and he knows the difference when he is wasting his time or when he knows someone has information he needs. Jack says he knows he is not wasting his time. He says the next jolt is going to be in his throat and anything above his neck risks a complete neuromuscular shutdown; that means running the risk of becoming paralyzed. Jack reminds Burnett he was the one that built the entire Federal case against him so he should know how far he is willing to go to stop the attack. Jack asks one last time: ‘WHERE’S THE TARGET!”

Burnett doesn’t answer, Jack then puts the taser against his throat. Burnett finally gives in. He says it’s Juma’s presidential guard, it has already started. Jack demands to know where; but the President’s voice comes over the phone. She orders him to answer the page. Jack tells the President there will be another attack that will take place within minutes. The President demands he open the door and that what he’s doing is against the law. She orders him to stand down. Jack replies by tasering the phone!

Comment: I know the Jack Bauer character has interrogated many over the past 7 seasons and many interrogations are similar to one another. Somehow, after all this time, they can still make it interesting IMO. Jack using the taser gun as a method of interrogation is new and I loved Jack tasering the phone. I thought that was great.

The Marines then blow open the door and arrest Jack. Senator Mayer tells Jack he’s done, finished. Jack says Burnett was talking. The attack is happening now and it’s on his conscience. Mayer says his conscience has a lot less to answer for than Jack’s. The President comes in, she asks what Jack’s source is for the Intel. Jack doesn’t want to say at first, but he says it’s Tony Almedia. Mayer responds by saying Almedia is a fugitive. Jack says if it weren’t for Tony, they wouldn’t have found the CIP device.

Senator Mayer says nothing justifies what went on in that room. The President retorts by asking even if it saves lives. Mayer says what was done to Burnett was barbarism. He asks the President if that was something she can live with. Jack interjects by stating that earlier that day, two airplanes were brought down. He asks the President if that was something she could live with. Mayer tells Jack he’s “reprehensible”. Jack replies by saying he is weak and unwilling and unable to look evil in the eye and deal with it.

Comment: I loved Jack’s line to the Senator about him being weak. He’s absolutely right. When you are dealing with a particular type of enemy, you can have the best of intentions to do everything by the book, but sometimes when real lives are at stake, things aren’t always so black and white as President Taylor says later.

Senator Mayer doesn’t respond. The President wants to talk to Ethan in the hallway. The President comments to Ethan that now it doesn’t seem so black and white. Ethan says he believes Jack when he says there’s going to be an attack. The President says torture was first used to induce false confessions and now we use it to find out the truth. Ethan reminds the President that these terrorists murdered her son and tried to kill her husband; they will stop at nothing. The President goes back in the room and orders Jack be taken away that he was under arrest. As Jack is being escorted out of the room, the President tells him he should have come to her and presented his case. Jack replies that there wasn’t enough time; and asked if it really would have made a difference.

The Senator comes over and tells her she’s doing the right thing, but she says it doesn’t feel like the right thing. The President says she wants to talk to Burnett herself. Mayer asks to do that because he knows the man. The President replies, “Apparently you don’t.”

6:42 pm – 6:50 pm

The President, Ethan and Tim the Homeland Security guy discuss the treat levels being raised, etc. The President realizes that they are going to have to offer Burnett a deal in hopes of getting him to talk. The President comments that Jack is going to prison and a traitor walks – what is wrong with this picture? The President tells Burnett he will be charged with treason. He demands his right to counsel. She says he’ll get counsel as soon as he tells everything he knows. Burnett replies, “Not in this lifetime.” Ethan tells Burnett that in exchange for information that helps stop the attack, the President is willing to grant him full immunity from prosecution. Burnett says he can’t help him. The President says she does not condone torture, but in his case, she would have no problem with the death penalty. Burnett asks for his lawyer.

Now back to Agent Walker. She drives up to a warehouse and finds the car of the orderly at the hospital who killed Dubaku. She sees some soldiers gathered inside. Her cell phone buzzes and it’s Larry. She explains how she traced the orderly’s car to an import/export firm and she there now. She sees several African soldiers heavily armed. Larry informs her of another imminent attack in D.C. Renee says this has to be it. Larry says he’s on his way with backup. Renee continues to watch the soldiers. Dubaku’s son wants to know where his father is. Juma tells him he won’t be joining them; that he got delayed trying to secure safe passage out of the country. Dubaku’s son wants to take his father’s place on the assault team. Juma says he needs him on the perimeter. Renee calls Larry. She says they are moving out. She swears she just saw Juma himself. Larry tells Renee to not take any chances. She says she won’t. Renee watches them get on a boat.

The boat starts to leave but Renee jumps onto the boat in order to get on. As she does, she loses her gun and her cell phone gets wet rendering it useless.

6:54 pm – 7:00 pm

Bill calls Tony who is still sitting in the car. Bill explains the situation to Tony, that they still don’t know where the target is and Burnett didn’t break or go for the immunity deal. Bill asks who’s Intel contact was. Tony explains it was one of Emerson’s guys who had a direct line to Juma. Bill asks if he can question him again but Tony says that’s highly unlikely – he’s dead. Bill wanted to be brought in on it but Tony explained that Jack thought it was the best way to protect him. Bill asks Tony if he had a fall back plan but Tony says the immunity deal was the fall back plan. There is nothing else. Bill hangs up.

Comment: I understand why Tony couldn’t go to the White House, but it seems like he was really underused in this episode. I would have liked to have seen Tony more involved.

Larry calls Janis from the helicopter to tell her he can’t reach Renee on her cell. Janice says either the battery ran out or the phone was damaged. She can’t trace it because there’s no signal.

Comment: I really liked the way the editor used the boxes in this scene. In one box there is a beautiful shot of the D.C. skyline at night with the Capitol building.

On the boat, Juma is explaining the final instructions for the attack. Renee is sneaking around to get a look inside. Renee sees Juma put a roll of papers away. After they leave, to get ready to go into the water, Renee goes in and retrieves the papers. She unrolls them to discover that the target is the White House.

Dubaku’s son sees her and chases Renee. She dives in the water and she is shot at by Dubaku’s son. Renee starts swimming. Dubaku’s son gets in a small boat and goes after Renee. Renee manages to get out of the water and climb over some rocks. The scene switches to under water where Juma’s men start a large drill and drill into rock apparently under the White House.

…clock ticks to 7:00 pm

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