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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Iya Love Lucy...

starring Iya Falcone and Dale Francisco

Looocy....I'm Hooommmeee!

I'll say it again...the Santa Barbara City Council meetings are the funniest thing's like a sitcom! It's better than Seinfeld! better than "Cheers"..better than I Love Lucy! No wait, it is I Love Lucy! Watching Iya Falcone sit up there and talk circles around herself is hurting my brain, but tickling my funny bone (not that one)..watching Dale Francisco pander to the NewsPress is pathetic...Wendy and Travis own this dude. Watching Mayor Blum point out logic inconsistencies in Iya and Dale's arguments is priceless! The sniping back and forth is hilarious! Even Steve Cushman showed up.When the Mesa Madman Wayne Scoles was up there ranting, calling the city council worms, Cushman stood up and came to the podium, positioned right behind him. Cushman's a big dude and Scoles almost fell on his ass when he turned around to leave and saw Big Steve!! Let's see what develops, if anything, between him and the criminal News-Press. If he's clean, he looks good to go for mayor!
The council was voting again to pass the contract for City TAP (Treatment and Patrol) units. Last week they voted to pass it, but for some reason the law requires another vote....last week, Dale was absent, this week he was auditioning for a spot on the News-Press gravy train..Dale got a newsflash that the economy was tanking thus supposedly changing the contract scenerio. Ahh, Dale, the stock market was up 500 points on Monday! I bought Citi at $1.80, it's up to $3.05!
He wanted to delay the contract item for a few more weeks, to discuss this new economic information in closed session, and have another public hearing. Actually, he was just doing what Travis told him... STALL!!! Das and Helene were flabberghasted..what kind of political stunt are you pulling now, Dale??
Then Iya chimed right in, on Dale's cue, to tell the voters how much she yearns to listen to them..all five of them in the chamber who spoke against the raises! Ha Ha...she thinks the whole community is against paying city employees because of what the News-Press prints! Watch Iya, she gives long -winded monotone speeches, occasionally turns her head to the side, then looks straight ahead sleepily, then a crazy- Lucy-like look..instead of discussing the contract, she was giving a campaign speech to get NewsPress support..last week she voted for the contract, now she wants to "discuss" it more..after 8 months of negotiations!! SHE IS FOR SALE!!!
It was like she was hypnotized! Francisco's motion failed and the contract passed...
It is no joke to play politics with the employees salaries, and Iya's ploy showed her true and white and read all over!

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