Speaking of makeup..have you seen the new chick reporter at KEYT? Coleen Sullivan..Coleen with one "L"..how weird is that? Anyway, she used to date Princess Diana's bro..I don't know what happened betwixt them, but it ain't love nomo..
Normally, when I see an opportunity for hot sex with royalty, I move..but
the forehead is too high and shiny, like plastic..too smooth.. and the smirk..she's smirking at me like she thinks I'm scum...WHY Coleen??? WHAT'D I DO??
Is Coleen a botox girl? Is she..she is..she looks like...CHUCKY'S MOM !!
She's freaking me out!! Everytime she does a story, I hear the twilight zone guitar riff..do do do do, do do do do...ya hear it ??..next time you watch her, see if I'm right..we need to do something about this!!
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