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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Foodie News...

What's New Pussy Cat?

Apparently, gay women are using donors to provide sperm so they can have children...and Santa Barbara's own Celebrity Chef is doing it, too. This intrigues me to no end.. if I were a donor, I could have sex, be a father, and have NONE of the responsiblilty..a new way of being a dad! I'm in..but first, I got to change some of the rules and offer a few options. option #1: the gay woman can't be butchy, she's gotta be feminine and pretty; the sex will be real, one on one, no matter how much she gags; a coitus minimum of two days a week until she's preggers; I get paid; and lastly, when she has the baby, I'm gone like the wind!!!!
option #2: ok, I'll beat off into a cup..the humiliation notwithstanding. However, the lesbian has to watch, or one of her straight friends or her sister..anyone with tits has to watch..that's my offer...

'Chef' Cat Cora and Wife Both Pregnant
(March 9) - 'Iron Chef America' star Cat Cora and her wife Jennifer are both pregnant - and both expecting boys. The couple have two sons already, Caje, 22 months and Zoran, 5. All four boys have the same donor.
It's really crazy!" the chef, 41, tells OK! Most unusual, Cat will give birth three months after her partner, Jennifer Cora, 37. "We decided that having them a year apart is harder than having kids as infants together," Cat says of their planned pregnancies.... Cat says," [Jennifer] carried my embryo and I carried hers. It's like surrogating, but obviously all of our kids are equal."
now that's an embryonic journey...

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