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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Citizen McCuckoo

A woman was telling her friend "I was the one that made my husband a millionaire".. "what was he when you married him?" asked the friend.
"a billionaire" she replied..

awright, I finally watched this cinematic masterpiece...not bad, a little boring at times and the end zone debate with Barry Cappucino and the producer was silly..where the fuck was Wendy? That's the whole point.. to get her out of her comfort zone and talking to the citizens! Cappello is paid to lie for her..we need to see her face, her eyes under those dark glasses...she's a wimp...
The film had a few highlights..the scene when Tracy Lehr from KEYT was chasing Wendy, Barry and Nipper down the street during lunch time, peppering them with questions was hilarious..Cappeloon kept sniping at Tracy like an old woman with wet diapers.."I don't talk to rude reporters" whimpers Barry when all Tracy was doing was her job! Nipper and Wendy were scurrying along the sidewalk like little squirrels running from a predator..they finally reached the restaurant and entered through a dark doorway..Tracy shouted out "have a nice lunch!"... give this woman an Oscar.. or whatever they give reporters!

When Melissa Evans spoke..I forgot what she said but...the girl is FINE! FIIIIINE! and troubled, too..what a combination!

The part when Jerry Roberts was accused of child porn by the News-Press on the front one signed their name to the story and it was assumed that Scott Steepleton wrote it..Scott was followed and questioned by a reporter but pretended not to notice....just kept walking and looking straight ahead, like fat little grey penguin waddling on a frozen lake...hoo hoo..Steepleton, you are a jerkoff!
I didn't think much of the NewsPress under Roberts, but the fact is: he was smeared, big time.
After this debacle, it amazes me that any business in Santa Barbara would advertise in the News-Press, just for the child porn incident the folks who advertise condone falsely accusing people of child porn and having it on company computers..despicable....the EyeGlass Factory, Jedlicka's and the rest of the spineless businesses deserve the wrath that 8 years of neocon economics have wrought....

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