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Monday, March 16, 2009

Nurses Behaving Badly...


News is coming out of NewsPressland faster than I can think! While Nipper is AWOL, Wendy has been firing all his friends from the paper..first Dr. Laura, then gossipman Richard Mineards and now the Investigator Robert Eringer, who has a big man-crush on SB Police Chief Camerino Sanchez. Blogabarbara linked to his last story, unpublished by the NewsPress, that lists all of Cam's alleged weird behavior..kind of a spurned lover dirty laundry list..this could get interesting! mancrush
Next, Travis is back from visiting his Michigan tribe, the one with all the alcohol and child abuse seems the Catholic church and Travis's Tribe have one thing in common: they like to abuse children..what a bunch of scumbags. Isn't it obvious where that NewsPresss computer porn really came from?
Also it seems Travis was trying to bolster his lie about being stalked by the Teamsters. He did a story about the fight between The California Nurse Association and the SEIU where the nurses claimed they were harassed and kicked by the SEIU members, but his Sunday editorial, More SEIU Shenanigans, left out some important points. First the story he tries to portray as recent is one year old; second, he left out this part: In a tentative ruling prior to yesterday's hearing, an Alameda County judge, Stephen Dombrink, sided with the SEIU. "Neither the Petition, nor any of the admissible evidence submitted in support of it or in opposition to the instant motion demonstrates that there was any credible claim of violence by Respondent Andrew Stern or by SEIU's agents," the judge wrote.
Here's links to both sides of the issue in this power struggle

Employee Free Choice Act (Card Check)
the last thing that hyper conservatives want is unions in their workplace..this threatens their perceived absolute power to control employees, pay low wages, ignore labor laws and a host of other documented abuses. The right to organize is fundamentally American. The conservatives are trying to derail the latest attempt by unions to make it easier for workers to organize..the Card Check proposal. Despite well funded ( racist Rupert Murdoch, Wendy McCaw) attempts to paint unions as sinister thugs, there is no reason to fear Card Check, unless you run a business like Wendy McCaw does. Card Check is simply a way to keep employers from interfering with the right to organize..instead of only a secret ballot, workers now will have a choice to just sign a petition..simple, easy and threatening to neocons. If you run a small business well, you shouldn't be concerned with unions; if you run a small business poorly, you may have worry...LOOK AT THE NEWSPRESS!!
They have been fighting and losing their little war against the Teamsters and will try anything, even killing their own business, to discredit local unions. Specifically, the SEIU which represents city and county workers. There are no thugs, bosses and big hairy guys who beat you up if you don't always have a choice..the NewsPress attempts to portray the local SEIU as corrupt are desperate and pathetic.

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