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Monday, March 9, 2009

Straighten Up and Fly Right...

I can see the sun settin' down, on our town, our town, good night/ Iris Dement

All you alleged bigshots out there, Wendy, Supervisor Salud, Dr. Laura, City Halls, TV peeps.. all y'all..I'm watching you cos I got nothing better to do. There's been some malfeasance, misjudgements, monopoly, menudo, manipulation, menstrual madness and messin with the are all on notice: if you live here, you need to make things better, not worse. Above all, DON'T EMBARRASS ME! (anymore than you already have)

After I did a little story about Wendy's rag El Mexicano listing Salud Carbajal as a reporter/contributor, Salud's name quickly disappeared from the paper's index! After all, how can you claim to be a gov't watchdog as Wendy and Travis do, and then list a county supervisor as one of your reporters/contributors in one of your stupid fucking newspapers? Salud's an excellent and responsive representative of my district, so I hope he won't mess up his career getting too cozy with the Gold Dust Woman and her faggy editor...
There was a lady in Davis, California who got her town to build a toad tunnel so toads could get to the other side of the road where the pond was, without getting squished by first it didn't work, but at least she was looking out for all the residents, not just lawyers, trustfund idiots and else-made millionaires! She was looking out for the toads, too. A big-hearted woman!
Now, that's the kind of thinking and heart we could use here..we need to evolve into fully functioning sober adults with a higher purpose...tadpoles eat algae to help clarify streams; they grow into frogs to sing, provide food, indicate pollution, and go on to become literary characters! and frogs are honest! have you ever met a dishonest frog?
My point is you need to be more like a frog or a toad. Remember, a frog and toad are essentially the same animal, essentially, essentially. When you're troubled, all you need to do is listen to the bullfrogs in your yard or a creek and you'll feel better. Do you know some folks want to kill frogs for being non-native? Why? because these fools are fucking idiots, that's why! Less fucking idiots and more frogs will go along way to help fix this county! Have you ever watched a County Board of Supervisors meeting and the public comment section? There's a guy, Andy Caldwell, who works for valley cowboy Willy Chamberlin (think Deliverance), tries to sell horseshit to the supervisors, and is a real fucking idiot! Caldwell should spend less time sucking Chamerlin's dick and chill out, get a real job with real benefits and do something useful for Christsakes instead of complaining all the fucking time!
So... check your ethics compass. If it's always pointing north, then you need a new compass, unless you live on the North Pole, like Santa, then you're cool (ha ha).
morals are like M&Ms, they melt when it gets too hot...and if you have too many, you get fat..think on these things....

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